LoggerConfigurationAmazonS3Extensions..::..AmazonS3 Method
Write log events to the specified file.
Serilog.Sinks.AmazonS3 (in Serilog.Sinks.AmazonS3.dll)
public static LoggerConfiguration AmazonS3( LoggerSinkConfiguration sinkConfiguration, string path, string bucketName, RegionEndpoint endpoint, string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel, string outputTemplate, IFormatProvider formatProvider, Nullable<long> fileSizeLimitBytes, LoggingLevelSwitch levelSwitch, bool buffered, RollingInterval rollingInterval, Nullable<int> retainedFileCountLimit, Encoding encoding, FileLifecycleHooks hooks )
Public Shared Function AmazonS3 ( _ sinkConfiguration As LoggerSinkConfiguration, _ path As String, _ bucketName As String, _ endpoint As RegionEndpoint, _ awsAccessKeyId As String, _ awsSecretAccessKey As String, _ restrictedToMinimumLevel As LogEventLevel, _ outputTemplate As String, _ formatProvider As IFormatProvider, _ fileSizeLimitBytes As Nullable(Of Long), _ levelSwitch As LoggingLevelSwitch, _ buffered As Boolean, _ rollingInterval As RollingInterval, _ retainedFileCountLimit As Nullable(Of Integer), _ encoding As Encoding, _ hooks As FileLifecycleHooks _ ) As LoggerConfiguration
public: static LoggerConfiguration^ AmazonS3( LoggerSinkConfiguration^ sinkConfiguration, String^ path, String^ bucketName, RegionEndpoint^ endpoint, String^ awsAccessKeyId, String^ awsSecretAccessKey, LogEventLevel^ restrictedToMinimumLevel, String^ outputTemplate, IFormatProvider^ formatProvider, Nullable<long long^> fileSizeLimitBytes, LoggingLevelSwitch^ levelSwitch, bool^ buffered, RollingInterval^ rollingInterval, Nullable<int^> retainedFileCountLimit, Encoding^ encoding, FileLifecycleHooks^ hooks )
- sinkConfiguration
- Type: LoggerSinkConfiguration
Logger sink configuration.
- path
- Type: String
Path to the file.
- bucketName
- Type: String
The Amazon S3 bucket name.
- endpoint
- Type: RegionEndpoint
The Amazon S3 endpoint.
- awsAccessKeyId
- Type: String
The Amazon S3 access key id.
- awsSecretAccessKey
- Type: String
The Amazon S3 access key.
- restrictedToMinimumLevel
- Type: LogEventLevel
The minimum level for events passed through the sink. Ignored when levelSwitch is specified.
- outputTemplate
- Type: String
A message template describing the format used to write to the sink. the default is "{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff zzz} [{Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}".
- formatProvider
- Type: IFormatProvider
Supplies culture-specific formatting information, or null.
- fileSizeLimitBytes
- Type: Nullable<(Of <(<'Int64>)>)>
The approximate maximum size, in bytes, to which a log file will be allowed to grow. For unrestricted growth, pass null. The default is 1 GB. To avoid writing partial events, the last event within the limit will be written in full even if it exceeds the limit.
- levelSwitch
- Type: LoggingLevelSwitch
A switch allowing the pass-through minimum level to be changed at runtime.
- buffered
- Type: Boolean
Indicates if flushing to the output file can be buffered or not. The default is false.
- rollingInterval
- Type: Serilog.Sinks.AmazonS3..::..RollingInterval
The interval at which logging will roll over to a new file.
- retainedFileCountLimit
- Type: Nullable<(Of <(<'Int32>)>)>
The maximum number of log files that will be retained, including the current log file. For unlimited retention, pass null. The default is 31.
- encoding
- Type: Encoding
Character encoding used to write the text file. The default is UTF-8 without BOM.
- hooks
- Type: Serilog.Sinks.AmazonS3..::..FileLifecycleHooks
Optionally enables hooking into log file lifecycle events.