PlQuerySwitch Enumeration


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Swi-cs-pl - A CSharp class library to connect .NET languages with SWI-Prolog PlQuerySwitch Enumeration
SwiPlCs interfaceSbsSW.SwiPlCsPlQuerySwitch
Flags that control for the foreign predicate parameters

SWI-Prolog Manual - 9.6.16 Querying Prolog.

Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic Visual C++ F#
public enum PlQuerySwitch
Public Enumeration PlQuerySwitch
public enum class PlQuerySwitch
type PlQuerySwitch
Member Description
None The default value.
Argc Return an integer holding the number of arguments given to Prolog from Unix.
Argv Return a char ** holding the argument vector given to Prolog from Unix.
GetChar Read character from terminal.
MaxInteger Return a long, representing the maximal integer value represented by a Prolog integer.
MinInteger Return a long, representing the minimal integer value.
Version Return a long, representing the version as 10,000 × M + 100 × m + p, where M is the major, m the minor version number and p the patch-level. For example, 20717 means 2.7.17
MaxThreads Return the maximum number of threads that can be created in this version. Return values of PL_thread_self() are between 0 and this number.
Encoding Return the default stream encoding of Prolog (of type IOENC).
UserCpu Get amount of user CPU time of the process in milliseconds.

Assembly: SwiPlCs (Module: SwiPlCs.dll) Version: 1.1.60605.0 (1.1.60605.0)