

                                        SalesMate + Addin Menu and Toolbar Commands format

A sample format for the menu and toolbar commands is given blow

    <AddinName> Sample SMP addin </AddinName>
    <ToobarButtonCount> 3 </ToobarButtonCount> 
        <Name>Sample SMP addin</Name>
            <Name>My Submenu </Name>

                <Name>Leafmenu 1 </Name>
                <FunctionName> SampleSmpMethod1 </FunctionName>
                <HelpString> Some status bar Help Desc</HelpString>
                <ToolTip> Tooltip Desc 1 </ToolTip>
                <ToolBarIndex> 0 </ToolBarIndex>
                <ShortCutKey> Ctrl+0 </ShortCutKey>
                <ToolBarButtonText> MyButton1</ToolBarButtonText>
                <Name>Leafmenu 2</Name>
                <FunctionName> SampleSmpMethod2 </FunctionName>
                <HelpString> Some status bar Help Desc</HelpString>
                <ToolTip> Tooltip Desc 2 </ToolTip>
                <ToolBarIndex> 1</ToolBarIndex>
                <ShortCutKey> Ctrl+1 </ShortCutKey>
                <ToolBarButtonText> MyButton2</ToolBarButtonText>
                <Name>Leafmenu 3</Name>
                <FunctionName> SampleSmpMethod3 </FunctionName>
                <HelpString> Some status bar Help Desc</HelpString>
                <ToolTip> Tooltip Desc 3 </ToolTip>
                <ToolBarIndex> 2</ToolBarIndex>
                <ShortCutKey> Ctrl+2</ShortCutKey>
                <ToolBarButtonText> MyButton3</ToolBarButtonText>

The tag names has its usual default meaning and purpose. The paragraphs below will explain each tags in detail.

SmpAddin :--  The main starting tag of the SalesMate + add-in

AppVer :--       The version of the addin.

AddinName :-- The name of the add-in that should be displayed in toolbar menu and about box menu.

ToobarButtonCount :-- The toolbar button count of application. Please set the correct toolbar button count. 

MainMenu :-- The main menu tag. the menu can also be the existing File , setup as well as new user defined menu.

ShortcutKeyIndex :-- The index of the shortcut key in which we need to place the & symbol in the menu.

SubMenu :-- The sub menu tag.  The sub menu can go N level.         

LeafMenu :-- The leaf menu name.

Name :-- The name of the menu (Main menu, sub menu and leaf menu)

FunctionName :-- The Addin COM Method which should be invoked when the user click on the menu or toolbar button.

HelpString :-- The string that should be displayed in the status bar when a user places the mouse cursor in the menu.

ToolTip :-- The tooltip that should be displayed in the toolbar button.

ToolBarIndex :-- The index of the toolbar button to which the menu command should be attached.

ShortCutKey :-- The default menu shortcut key assignment like Ctrl + K

ToolBarButtonText :-- The short text in the toolbar button.

Separator :-- The menu separator tag.