AcousticSL Software Library
Here is a list of all documented struct and union fields with links to the struct/union documentation for each field:
- algorithm : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- channel_number : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- internal_memory_size : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- M12_distance : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- M34_distance : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- pInternalMemory : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- ptr_M1_channels : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- ptr_M2_channels : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- ptr_M3_channels : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- ptr_M4_channels : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- resolution : AcousticSL_Config_t
- samples_to_process : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- sampling_frequency : AcousticSL_Handler_t
- threshold : AcousticSL_Config_t
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