ISpeechAudio BufferNotifySize Property

Microsoft Speech SDK

Intelligent Interface Technologies Home Page Microsoft Speech SDK Speech Automation 5.1

Interface: ISpeechAudio

BufferNotifySize Property

The BufferNotifySize property gets and sets the audio stream buffer size information.

This information is used to determine when the event returned by the EventHandle method is set or reset.


Set: ISpeechAudio.BufferNotifySize = Long
Get: Long = ISpeechAudio.BufferNotifySize


The owning object.
Set: A Long variable that sets the property.
Get: A Long variable that gets the property.


For read streams, the event is set if the audio buffered is greater than or equal to the value set in pcbSize, otherwise the event information is reset.

For write streams, the event is set if the audio buffered is less than the value set in pcbSize, otherwise the event information is reset.