Groupwise computations of summary statistics, general linear contrasts and other utilities

R doBy

Groupwise computations of summary statistics, general linear contrasts and other utilities

Help pages for package ‘doBy’ version 4.0.5

budworm Effect of Insecticide on survivial of tobacco budworms
codstom Diet of Atlantic cod in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada)
dietox Growth curves of pigs in a 3x3 factorial experiment
doBy Various utilities which includes functions for creating groupwise calculations etc.
dose.LD50 Calculate LD50
esticon Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
esticon.coxph Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
esticon.geeglm Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
esticon.glm Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
esticon.gls Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
esticon.lm Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
esticon.lme Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
esticon.mer Contrasts for lm, glm, lme, and geeglm objects
firstobs Locate the index of the first/last unique value
firstobs.default Locate the index of the first/last unique value
firstobs.formula Locate the index of the first/last unique value
lapplyBy Formula based version of lapply
lastobs Locate the index of the first/last unique value
lastobs.default Locate the index of the first/last unique value
lastobs.formula Locate the index of the first/last unique value
orderBy Ordering (sorting) rows of a data frame
print.splitByData Split a data frame
recodevar recode levels of variable
sampleBy Sampling from a data frame
splitBy Split a data frame
subsetBy Finds subsets of a dataframe which is split by variables in a formula.
summaryBy Function to calculate groupwise summary statistics
transformBy Function to make groupwise transformations
which.maxn Where are the n largest or n smallest elements in a numeric vector ?
which.minn Where are the n largest or n smallest elements in a numeric vector ?