14.11 ossaudiodev -- Access to OSS-compatible audio devices

Python PEP

14.11 ossaudiodev -- Access to OSS-compatible audio devices

Availability: Linux, FreeBSD.

New in version 2.3.

This module allows you to access the OSS (Open Sound System) audio interface. OSS is available for a wide range of open-source and commercial Unices, and is the standard audio interface for Linux and recent versions of FreeBSD.

See Also:

the official documentation for the OSS C API

ossaudiodev defines the following variables and functions:

This exception is raised on certain errors. The argument is a string describing what went wrong.

(If ossaudiodev receives an error from a system call such as open(), write(), or ioctl(), it raises IOError. Errors detected directly by ossaudiodev result in OSSAudioError.)

(For backwards compatibility, the exception class is also available as ossaudiodev.error.)

Open an audio device and return an OSS audio device object. This object supports many file-like methods, such as read(), write(), and fileno() (although there are subtle differences between conventional Unix read/write semantics and those of OSS audio devices). It also supports a number of audio-specific methods; see below for the complete list of methods.

device is the audio device filename to use. If it is not specified, this module first looks in the environment variable AUDIODEV for a device to use. If not found, it falls back to /dev/dsp.

mode is one of 'r' for read-only (record) access, 'w' for write-only (playback) access and 'rw' for both. Since many sound cards only allow one process to have the recorder or player open at a time, it is a good idea to open the device only for the activity needed. Further, some sound cards are half-duplex: they can be opened for reading or writing, but not both at once.

Note the unusual calling syntax: the first argument is optional, and the second is required. This is a historical artifact for compatibility with the older linuxaudiodev module which ossaudiodev supersedes.

Open a mixer device and return an OSS mixer device object. device is the mixer device filename to use. If it is not specified, this module first looks in the environment variable MIXERDEV for a device to use. If not found, it falls back to /dev/mixer.

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