
PHP Smarty

Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
Prev 来源:PHP中文社区 Chapter 16. Extending Smarty With Plugins


 * Smarty plugin
 * ------------------------------------------------------------- 
 * File: resource.db.php
 * Type: resource
 * Name: db
 * Purpose: Fetches templates from a database
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
function smarty_resource_db_source($tpl_name, &$tpl_source, &$smarty)
 // do database call here to fetch your template,
 // populating $tpl_source
 $sql = new SQL;
 $sql->query("select tpl_source
 from my_table
 where tpl_name='$tpl_name'");
 if ($sql->num_rows) {
 $tpl_source = $sql->record['tpl_source'];
 return true;
 } else {
 return false;

function smarty_resource_db_timestamp($tpl_name, &$tpl_timestamp, &$smarty)
 // do database call here to populate $tpl_timestamp.
 $sql = new SQL;
 $sql->query("select tpl_timestamp
 from my_table
 where tpl_name='$tpl_name'");
 if ($sql->num_rows) {
 $tpl_timestamp = $sql->record['tpl_timestamp'];
 return true;
 } else {
 return false;

function smarty_resource_db_secure($tpl_name, &$smarty)
 // assume all templates are secure
 return true;

function smarty_resource_db_trusted($tpl_name, &$smarty)
 // not used for templates

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