Advanced Features

PHP Smarty

Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
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Chapter 15. Advanced Features


Table of Contents
Objects 对象
Prefilters 预过滤器
Postfilters 后过滤器
Output Filters 输出过滤器
Cache Handler Function 缓冲处理函数
Resources 资源



// the object

class My_Object() {
	function meth1($params, &$smarty_obj) {
		return "this is my meth1";

$myobj = new My_Object;
// registering the object (will be by reference)
// if we want to restrict access to certain methods or properties, list them
// if you want to use the traditional object parameter format, pass a boolean of false

// We can also assign objects. Assign by ref when possible.
$smarty->assign_by_ref("myobj", $myobj);



{* access our registered object *}
{foobar->meth1 p1="foo" p2=$bar}

{* you can also assign the output *}
{foobar->meth1 p1="foo" p2=$bar assign="output"}
the output was {$output)

{* access our assigned object *}

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