Command Line Usage

P/Invoke Interop

Command Line Usage

The command line tool has the following usage:

sigimp [options] [Header File Names]
    /genCode:[yes/no]           Whether or not to generate a code file (default yes)
    /genPreProc:[yes/no]        Generate the preprocessor code
    /lang[uage]:lang            Language to generate into; vb (default) or cs
    /out:filename               Output file name (default NativeMethods.vb)
    /useSdk:[yes/no]            Whether or not to add common SDK include paths (default no)
    /lib:name,name              List of libraries to resolve DLL's against
    /includePath:path,...       Include File Path
    /nologo                     Prevent logo display
    /?                          Help screen

Notice: The command line tools have a special interpretation of backslash characters when they are followed by a quotation mark character ("), as follows:

  • 2n backslashes followed by a quotation mark produce n backslashes followed by a quotation mark.
  • (2n) + 1 backslashes followed by a quotation mark again produce n backslashes followed by a quotation mark.
  • n backslashes not followed by a quotation mark simply produce n backslashes.

For example, in the command line, you may need to specify a file path like the following:
"C:\Header Files\Header File.h"
"C:\Header Files"
"C:\Header Files\\"