Autodesk FDO Provider for Oracle API Reference

Oracle Provider API

API Reference Autodesk FDO Provider for Oracle

FDO Provider for Oracle Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
FdoICreateSpatialIndexThe ICreateSpatialIndex interface defines the CreateSpatialIndex command, which is spatial indexing the speciified spatial context. Input to the command includes the name, spatial context, special index type, the number of dimensions for the new spatial index
FdoIDestroySpatialIndexThe IDestroySpatialIndex interface defines the DestroySpatialIndex command, which drops an existing spatial index. Input to the command is the name of the index to drop
FdoIGetCoordinateSystemsThe FdoIGetCoordinateSystems interface defines the GetCoordinateSystems command, which enumerates the existing coordinate systems in the Oracle catalog
FdoIGetDataStoresThis command returns the list of datastores an opened connection can activate
FdoIGetSpatialIndexesThe IGetSpatialIndexes interface defines the GetSpatialIndexes command, which enumerates the existing spatial indexes
FdoISpatialIndexReaderThe ISpatialIndexReader interface provides forward only, readonly functionality for enumerating spatial indexes. A reference to an ISpatialIndexReader is returned from the GetSpatialIndexes command. The initial position of the ISpatialIndexReader is prior to the first item. Therefore you must call ReadNext to begin accessing any data
FdoOracleOvAssociationPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for an association property definition
FdoOracleOvClassCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of classes
FdoOracleOvClassDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a class definition
FdoOracleOvColumnConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a column
FdoOracleOvDataPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a data property definition
FdoOracleOvDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of data properties
FdoOracleOvGeometricColumnConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a geometric column
FdoOracleOvGeometricPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a geometric property definition
FdoOracleOvObjectPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for an object property definition
FdoOracleOvPhysicalSchemaMappingConcrete class offering schema overrides for the Oracle Provider
FdoOracleOvPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a property definition
FdoOracleOvPropertyDefinitionCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of property definitions
FdoOracleOvPropertyMappingConcreteConcrete class defining the physical schema overrides for the Concrete type object property mapping. Under the Concrete mapping type, each object property is kept in its own table
FdoOracleOvPropertyMappingDefinitionAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for object property table mappings
FdoOracleOvPropertyMappingRelationAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for relation type object property table mappings
FdoOracleOvPropertyMappingSingleConcrete class defining the physical schema overrides for the Single type object property mapping. Under the Single mapping type, the object property is kept in the same table as its containing class
FdoOracleOvTableConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a table
FdoPostGISOvAssociationPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for association property definition
FdoPostGISOvClassCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for collection of classes
FdoPostGISOvClassDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a class definition
FdoPostGISOvColumnConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for column. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvDataPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a data property definition
FdoPostGISOvDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for collection of data properties
FdoPostGISOvGeometricColumnConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for geometric column. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvGeometricPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a geometric property definition. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvObjectPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for an object property definition. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPhysicalSchemaMappingConcrete class offering physical schema mapping overrides. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a property definition. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPropertyDefinitionCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for collection of property definitions. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPropertyMappingClassConcrete class defining the physical schema overrides for the Class type object property mapping. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPropertyMappingConcreteConcrete class defining the physical schema overrides for the concrete type object property mapping. Under the concrete mapping type, each object property is kept in its own table. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPropertyMappingDefinitionAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for object property table mappings. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPropertyMappingRelationAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for relation type object property table mappings. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvPropertyMappingSingleConcrete class defining the physical schema overrides for the single type object property mapping. Under the Single mapping type, the object property is kept in the same table as its containing class. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoPostGISOvTableConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a table. This class is used in PostGIS schema overrides
FdoRdbmsOvAssociationPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for an association property definition
FdoRdbmsOvClassCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of class definitions
FdoRdbmsOvClassDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a class definition
FdoRdbmsOvColumnAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a column
FdoRdbmsOvDataPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a data property definition
FdoRdbmsOvGeometricColumnAbstract base class for defining physical schema overrides for a geometric column. /summary>
FdoRdbmsOvGeometricPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a geometric property definition
FdoRdbmsOvObjectPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for an object property definition
FdoRdbmsOvPhysicalSchemaMappingAbstract base class for RDBMS type provider schema override sets
FdoRdbmsOvPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a property definition
FdoRdbmsOvPropertyDefinitionCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of property definitions
FdoRdbmsOvPropertyMappingClassAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for the Class type object property mapping
FdoRdbmsOvPropertyMappingConcreteAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for the Concrete type object property mapping. Under the Concrete mapping type, each object property is kept in its own table. /summary>
FdoRdbmsOvPropertyMappingDefinitionAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for object property table mappings. /summary>
FdoRdbmsOvPropertyMappingSingleAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for the Single type object property mapping. Under the Single mapping type, the object property is kept in the same table as its containing class. /summary>
FdoRdbmsOvReadOnlyClassCollectionCollection of class overrides for an RDBMS-type provider. Members cannot be added to or removed from this collection. /summary>
FdoRdbmsOvReadOnlyPropertyDefinitionCollectionCollection of property overrides for an RDBMS-type provider. Members cannot be added to or removed from this collection. /summary>
FdoRdbmsOvSchemaAutoGenerationThis class provides directives for reverse-engineering FDO Feature Schema elements from the physical schema of the currently connected datastore. /summary>
FdoRdbmsOvTableAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a table
FdoSqlServerOvAssociationPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for an association property definition
FdoSqlServerOvClassCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of classes
FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a class definition
FdoSqlServerOvColumnConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a column
FdoSqlServerOvDataPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a data property definition
FdoSqlServerOvDataPropertyDefinitionCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of data properties
FdoSqlServerOvGeometricColumnConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a geometric column
FdoSqlServerOvGeometricPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a geometric property definition
FdoSqlServerOvObjectPropertyDefinitionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for an object property definition
FdoSqlServerOvPhysicalSchemaMappingConcrete class offering schema overrides for the SqlServer Provider
FdoSqlServerOvPropertyDefinitionAbstract class defining physical schema overrides for a property definition
FdoSqlServerOvPropertyDefinitionCollectionConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a collection of property definitions
FdoSqlServerOvPropertyMappingConcreteConcrete class defining the physical schema overrides for the Concrete type object property mapping. Under the Concrete mapping type, each object property is kept in its own table
FdoSqlServerOvPropertyMappingDefinitionAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for object property table mappings
FdoSqlServerOvPropertyMappingRelationAbstract class defining the physical schema overrides for relation type object property table mappings
FdoSqlServerOvPropertyMappingSingleConcrete class defining the physical schema overrides for the Single type object property mapping. Under the Single mapping type, the object property is kept in the same table as its containing class
FdoSqlServerOvTableConcrete class defining physical schema overrides for a table
