RfcMailAddress Properties


OpenPop.NET POP3 Library Documentation

RfcMailAddress Properties

The properties of the RfcMailAddress class are listed below. For a complete list of RfcMailAddress class members, see the RfcMailAddress Members topic.

Public Instance Properties

Address The email address of this RfcMailAddress
It is possibly string.Empty since RFC mail addresses does not require an email address specified.
DisplayName The display name of this RfcMailAddress
It is possibly Empty since RFC mail addresses does not require a display name to be specified.
HasValidMailAddress Specifies if the object contains a valid MailAddress reference.
MailAddress The MailAddress associated with the RfcMailAddress.
Raw This is the Raw string used to describe the RfcMailAddress.

See Also

RfcMailAddress Class | OpenPop.Mime.Header Namespace | MailAddress