OSGeo FDO Provider for ODBC API Reference

OSGeo FDO Provider for ODBC API

API Reference OSGeo FDO Provider for ODBC

FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinition Class Reference

#include <SqlServerOvClassDefinition.h>

Inherits FdoRdbmsOvClassDefinition.

Inheritance diagram for FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinition:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

Concrete class defining physical schema overrides for a class definition.

Definition at line 32 of file SqlServerOvClassDefinition.h.

Public Member Functions

FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API FdoInt32 GetIdentityIncrement (void)
 Gets the increment value to use for the identity column, if there is one.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API bool GetIdentityIsGloballyUnique (void)
 Retrieves the identity column's type, whether it is a non-globally-unique identity column or a globally-unique identity column.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API FdoString * GetIdentityPropertyName (void)
 Gets which FDO property corresponds to the single SqlServer IDENTITY column.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API FdoInt32 GetIdentitySeed (void)
 Sets the first value to use for the identity column, if there is one.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API FdoSqlServerOvPropertyDefinitionCollectionGetProperties ()
 Gets a collection of SqlServer property overrides.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API FdoSqlServerOvTableGetTable ()
 Gets the SqlServer table override for this class override.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API void SetGeometryColumn (FdoSqlServerOvGeometricColumn *column)
 Sets the SqlServer geometry column override for this class override.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API void SetIdentityIncrement (FdoInt32 identityIncrement)
 Sets the increment value to use for the identity column, if there is one.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API void SetIdentityIsGloballyUnique (bool identityisGloballyUnique)
 Set the type of the single IDENTITY column, if it exists.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API void SetIdentityPropertyName (FdoString *identityPropertyName)
 Specifies which FDO property corresponds to the single SqlServer IDENTITY column. This property corresponds to the singleton IDENTITY column of the SQL Server table. This is not to be confused with the usual FDO identity properties, which instead correspond to the primary key of a SQL Server table.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API void SetIdentitySeed (FdoInt32 identitySeed)
 Gets the first value to use for the identity column, if there is one.
FDOSQLSERVER_OV_API void SetTable (FdoSqlServerOvTable *table)
 Sets the SqlServer table override for this class override.

Static Public Member Functions

Create (FdoString *name)
 Constructs an instance of an FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinition using the specified arguments.
Create ()
 Constructs a default of an FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinition.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void AddProperty (FdoRdbmsOvPropertyDefinition *pProp)
 Add the given property override to this class override.
virtual FdoRdbmsOvDataPropertyDefinitionCreateDataProperty (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *propAtts, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *colAtts)
 Create data property override from XML attributes.
virtual FdoRdbmsOvGeometricPropertyDefinitionCreateGeometricProperty (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *propAtts, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *colAtts)
 Create geometric property override from XML attributes.
virtual FdoRdbmsOvObjectPropertyDefinitionCreateObjectProperty (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *propAtts, FdoString *mappingType, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *mappingAtts)
 Create object property override from XML attributes.
virtual void Dispose ()
 FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinition (FdoString *name)
 FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinition ()
void Init ()
virtual void SetTable (FdoXmlSaxContext *context, FdoXmlAttributeCollection *atts)
 Create table override from XML attributes.
virtual ~FdoSqlServerOvClassDefinition ()

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