NetWaiting offers you the ability to manage all your telephone communications while connected to the Internet, over a single telephone line.
This application allows you to put your Internet connection on hold while you:
then return to it without losing your original Internet connection.
To have access to all the NetWaiting functions, your Internet Service Provider must use a server with a V.92 connection.
If you do not have a V.92 connection but a V.90, only the call signal function will operate and the current Internet connection will be lost if you choose to answer an incoming call. If you reject an incoming call, your Internet connection will be maintained.
The main window of NetWaiting
The main window of NetWaiting is displayed on screen when:
You receive a call during an Internet session.
You place a call during an Internet session by double clicking on the telephone icon (usually yellow) on the desktop toolbar.
The icons:
Accept accept an incoming call during an Internet connection
Reject reject an incoming call during an Internet connection
Disconnect end the current Internet session
Outgoing call place a call during an Internet session
Reconnect reconnect to the Internet
Table editor access the Table editor
Settings set Settings
Quit exit the application
Help access help file
Incoming call section
This section shows Caller ID data. NetWaiting will display the phone number if you have the Caller Waiting ID service and, if applicable, the caller's name.
Status bar
This shows the status of the modem in real time. A timer shows the time remaining to select a call response option. This time varies according to the setting used by your Internet Service Provider.
If the given time has elapsed and you have not selected an option, the window will disappear, the call is ignored and your Internet session will continue. As far as the caller is concerned you are unavailable.
Receive a call during an Internet connection
When you receive a voice call during an Internet session, the main window of NetWaiting appears on the screen. It shows the telephone number of the caller if you have Caller Waiting ID and their name if you have previously added it to the table editor. The time remaining to respond to this call, allocated by your Internet Service Provider, is shown in the status bar.
To ignore a call:
Click on the Reject icon.
The main window of NetWaiting will disappear and the caller will receive no reply.
Your Internet session is maintained. As far as the caller is concerned, you are unavailable.
Click on the Accept icon.
Pick up your telephone handset after the messages and timer have changed.
Your Internet session is put on hold during your telephone conversation.
To resume your Internet session, replace the handset and click on Reconnect.
Note :
If you do not have a V.92 connection, accepting a call will automatically interrupt the existing Internet session.
You can reconnect to or disconnect from an Internet session during your voice communication by clicking on either Reconnect or Disconnect in the main window of NetWaiting.
Placing a call during an Internet connection
Not all modems have the ability to place a call during an Internet connection.
To place a voice call during an Internet connection:
Double click the telephone icon (usually yellow) on the desktop toolbar. The main window of NetWaiting will appear on screen.
Click the Outgoing Call icon. The modem will suspend the current Internet connection without disconnecting.
Pick up the handset and place the call.
Replace the handset once the call is finished and click on Reconnect to resume your Internet session.
You can reconnect to or disconnect from an Internet session during your voice communication by clicking on either Reconnect or Disconnect in the main window of NetWaiting.
See also:
Access Table editor
Set your Settings