- Prints thetext
string on the console. Always include a line break.
- Clears he console string.
- Sounds a beep.
- Delay processing for time milliseconds.
msgbox(text, title, type, icon)
- Displays the standard message box dialog. type can beMB_OK, MB_OKCANCEL, MB_RETRYCANCEL, MB_YESNO, MB_YESNOCANCEL, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE
- Displays the message "Press any key to continue..." and stops the script execution.
- Waits until the user press a key and returns that key as a string.
- Get keys until the user press Enter, then returns the keys in a string.
- Returns a non nil value if the script execution is ok.
System Information
- Returns the current computer name.
- Returns the current user name.
- Returns a detailed Operating System string description. Ex:Microsoft Windows 2000 Workstation [Version 5.0.2195] Service Pack 1
- Returns the same informatio above but in a Lua table.{ system = "2000", type = "Workstation", major = 5, minor = 0, build = 2195, service = "Service Pack 1" }
- Returns a string describing the current date and time (ex. "Thu Oct 26 11:01:51 2000").
- Returns the computer IP address if any configured. Return nil if not.
setenv(name, value)
- Sets an environment variable in the user environment.
- Returns an environment variable if its set in the system environment.
- Returns an environment variable if its set in the user environment.
- Expands an environment variable that contains references to other environment variables. Returns the result.
writeregkey(bkey, key_name, value_name, value)
- Writes a string in the registry. key_name is the path. bkey can be:KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, KEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_USERS
readregkey(bkey, key_name, value_name)
- Reads a string from the registry and returns it. key_name is the path. bkey can be:KEY_CLASSES_ROOT, KEY_CURRENT_USER, KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_USERS
writeinikey(filename, section, value_name, value)
- Writes a string in a ".INI" file.
readinikey(filename, section, value_name)
- Reads a string from a ".INI" file and returns it.
readinikeys(filename, section)
- Reads all the keys from a ".INI" file section and returns them as a table.
readinisection(filename, section)
- Reads all the keys and values from a ".INI" file section and returns them as a table indexed by the key names.
- Reads all the sections names from a ".INI" file and returns them as a table.
logevent(servername, type, msg, datastr)
- Sends an event to the application log of the specified computer. If servername is nil it uses the local computer. type can be:EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, EVENTLOG_WARNING_TYPE, EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, EVENTLOG_AUDIT_SUCCESS, EVENTLOG_AUDIT_FAILURE
netsend(servername, dstname, msg)
- Sends a message to s specified user or computer. If servername is nil it uses the local computer.
shutdown(servername, message, timeout, force, reboot)
- Initiates a shutdown and optional restart of the specified computer. message is optional and timeout is in seconds. If servername is nil it uses the local computer.
winexit(flag, force)
- Either logs off the current user, shuts down the system, or shuts down and restarts the system.. flag can beEWX_LOGOFF, EWX_POWEROFF, EWX_REBOOT, EWX_SHUTDOWN
. force will force processes to terminate.
- Starts the command line as the Explorer "open" command. So you can execute folders, documents and executables.
start(command_line, wait)
- Starts the command line creating a new process. wait forces the execution to wait for the process to terminate, can be omitted, default is no wait.
Net Drive Map
netuse(driveletter, path)
- Connects a drive letter to a network path.
- Disconnects a mapped drive letter.
netshareadd(servername, sharename, path, comment)
- Adds a share to the specified computer. comment is optional. If servername is nil it uses the local computer.
netsharedel(servername, sharename)
- Removes a share from the specified computer. If servername is nil it uses the local computer.
netshareenum(servername, doshare_func)
- Calls the specified function for each share in the specified computer. If servername is nil it uses the local computer. doshare_func must be a function like:function do_share(sharename, path, type) { if (abort) then return 0 else return 1; end }type can be:
. If shareenum_func is nil it will print all the shares.
For all the functions: servername is the computer where the function actually executes. If nil executes at the local computer. local (1 or 0) specifies that the group is a local group.
netuseradd(servername, username, full_name, comment, password, profile_path, script_path, home_dir_drive, home_dir_path)
- Creates a new user.full_name, comment, password, profile_path, script_path, home_dir_drive, home_dir_path
are optional and can be nil.
netuserrename(servername, oldusername, newusername)
- Renames the user.
netusersetinfo(servername, username, param_name, param)
- Changes user parameters. param_name can be: "full_name", "comment", "profile_path", "script_path", "home_dir_drive", home_dir_path.
netusergetinfo(servername, username)
- Returns the user full name, comment, profile path, script path, home dir drive and home dir path.
netuserdel(servername, username)
- Removes the user.
netuserenum(servername, douser_func)
- Calls the specified function for each user. douser_func must be a function like:function do_user(username) { if (abort) then return 0 else return 1; end }
netusergroupsenum(servername, username, local, dousergroup_func)
- Calls the specified function for each group the user belongs to. dousergroup_func must be a function like:function do_usergroup(groupname) { if (abort) then return 0 else return 1; end }
ifmember(servername, username, local, groupname)
- Checks if the user belongs to a group. Returns nil otherwise.
netuserchangepassword(domainname, username, oldpassword, newpassword)
- Change the user password. domainname can be nil to specify the current domain. username can be nil to specify the current user.
For all the functions: servername is the computer where the function actually executes. If nil executes at the local computer. local (1 or 0) specifies that the group is a local group.
netgroupadduser(servername, local, groupname, username)
- Adds a user to a group.
netgroupdeluser(servername, local, groupname, username)
- Removes a user from a group.
netgroupadd(servername, local, groupname, comment)
- Creates a new group. comment is optional, can be nil.
netgroupdel(servername, local, groupname)
- Removes a group.
netgrouprename(servername, local, oldgroupname, newgroupname)
- Renames a group (this is not available in the UserManager, dont' know why).
netgroupsetinfo(servername, local, groupname, param_name, param)
- Changes group comment. param_name can only be "comment".
netgroupgetinfo(servername, local, groupname)
- Returns the group comment.
netgroupenum(servername, local, dogroup_func)
- Calls the specified function for each group. dogroup_func must be a function like:function do_group(groupname) { if (abort) then return 0 else return 1; end }
- Returns the current user domain.
netgetpdc(servername, domainname)
- Returns the name of the Primary Domain Controller of the specified domain. If servername is nil it uses the local computer.
getdir(dir, file_mask, subdir)
- Returns a table with all the folder structure of the specified folder. Subfolder are treated as new sub tables, and files are values. file_mask can restrict the file selection, if nil the default is "*.*". subdir allows recursion of subfolders.
forfiles(dir, file_mask, subdir, dofile_func)
- Calls the specified function for each file selected by the file_mask inside the dir folder structure. subdir allows recursion of subfolders. dofile_func must be a function like:function do_file(filename, status) { if (abort) then return 0 else return 1; end }status is 1 when entering the specified folder, -1 leaving the specified folder, 0 is a file.
cacls(filefilter, subdir, continue, clear, grant, replace, revoke, deny)
- Changes access control lists of the specified files. subdir allows recurtion of subfolders. the function stops if an error occurs, continue allows to ignore errors. clear will clear all the actual acls before doing any operations, so replace and deny can not be used, and must be nil. grant and replace are tables with the list of users and permissions to grant or replace respectively in the acls (ex: {"user1", "F", "test2", "R"}). revoke and deny are tables with the list of users to revoke from the list or deny access respectively. Permissions can be: "F", "C", "R", "N" (Full, Change, Read, None). The table can also be nil, but not all of them at the same time.
dumpacls(filefilter, subdir)
- Dumps (print) access control lists of the specified files. subdir allows recurtion of subfolders.
- Returns a non nil value if the file exists.
- Returns the Windows folder.
- Returns the Windows System folder.
- Returns the current folder.
- Creates a folder.
- Removes an empty folder.
- Changes the current folder. If dir is not specified returns the current folder.
copy/cp(srcfilename, dstfilename)
- Copies a file. Overwrite destination if exists.
move/mv/rename(srcfilename, dstfilename)
- Moves or renames a file. Overwrite destination if exists.
copydir(srcdirname, dstdirname)
- Copies the contents of a folder to another.
- Removes a folder and all its contents including subfolders.
- Removes the file specified.
access(filename, mode)
- Determine file-access permission. mode can be: "x", "w", "r", "f" (existence, can write, can read, can read or write). Returns a non nil value if mode is allowed.
attrib(filename, mask)
- Changes the attributes of a file. mask can be a combination of the following: "a", "h", "o", "r", "s" ,"t" (archive, hidden, offline, read-only, system, temporary). If mask is nil returns the current attributes mask.
- Returns the size of the file in bytes.
- Returns the name of the file without any path. (filename = path / title)
- Returns the path of the file.
- Returns the complete filename of a file. You can specify just the title and you get the current folder and add to the file tile.
- Returns 3 strings regarding to file time: creationtime, lastaccesstime, lastwritetime. Uses the same format as the datetime function.
- Returns the short name of the file (8.3 characters).
- Returns the binary type of the executable. It can be: "Win32", "DOS", "OS216", "PIF", "POSIX", "Win16" or nil if unknown.
- Searches for the file in the PATH and returns the complete file name if found. Returns nil otherwise.
df/diskfree(filename, div)
- Returns 3 values regarding to disk space: available, total and free. If per-user quotas are in use, the first value may be less than the total number of free bytes on the disk. If filename is nil uses the current folder. div can be "b", "Mb", "Kb" and "Gb". div is optional, and the default is "Mb".