D.5 How to Read REG_MULTI_SZ Values
KiCHiK wrote this script to help rpetges in this forum thread. It reads a registry value of the type REG_MULTI_SZ and prints it out. Don't forget to edit where it says "Edit this!" when you test this script. The values must point to a REG_MULTI_SZ value or the example will spit out an error.
OutFile "REG_MULTI_SZ Reader.exe" Name "REG_MULTI_SZ Reader" ShowInstDetails show !define HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT 0x80000000 !define HKEY_CURRENT_USER 0x80000001 !define HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 0x80000002 !define HKEY_USERS 0x80000003 !define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA 0x80000004 !define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_TEXT 0x80000050 !define HKEY_PERFORMANCE_NLSTEXT 0x80000060 !define HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG 0x80000005 !define HKEY_DYN_DATA 0x80000006 !define KEY_QUERY_VALUE 0x0001 !define KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS 0x0008 !define REG_NONE 0 !define REG_SZ 1 !define REG_EXPAND_SZ 2 !define REG_BINARY 3 !define REG_DWORD 4 !define REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN 4 !define REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN 5 !define REG_LINK 6 !define REG_MULTI_SZ 7 !define RegOpenKeyEx "Advapi32::RegOpenKeyExA(i, t, i, i, *i) i" !define RegQueryValueEx "Advapi32::RegQueryValueExA(i, t, i, *i, i, *i) i" !define RegCloseKey "Advapi32::RegCloseKeyA(i) i" ####### Edit this! !define ROOT_KEY ${HKEY_CURRENT_USER} !define SUB_KEY "Software\Joe Software" !define VALUE "Strings" ####### Stop editing Section "Read" StrCpy $0 "" StrCpy $1 "" StrCpy $2 "" StrCpy $3 "" System::Call "${RegOpenKeyEx}(${ROOT_KEY}, '${SUB_KEY}', \ 0, ${KEY_QUERY_VALUE}|${KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS}, .r0) .r3" StrCmp $3 0 goon MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Can't open registry key! ($3)" Goto done goon: System::Call "${RegQueryValueEx}(r0, '${VALUE}', 0, .r1, 0, .r2) .r3" StrCmp $3 0 read MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Can't query registry value size! ($3)" Goto done read: StrCmp $1 ${REG_MULTI_SZ} multisz MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Registry value no REG_MULTI_SZ! ($3)" Goto done multisz: StrCmp $2 0 0 multiszalloc MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Registry value empty! ($3)" Goto done multiszalloc: System::Alloc $2 Pop $1 StrCmp $1 0 0 multiszget MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Can't allocate enough memory! ($3)" Goto done multiszget: System::Call "${RegQueryValueEx}(r0, '${VALUE}', 0, n, r1, r2) .r3" StrCmp $3 0 multiszprocess MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP "Can't query registry value data! ($3)" Goto done multiszprocess: StrCpy $4 $1 loop: System::Call "*$4(&t${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN} .r3)" StrCmp $3 "" done DetailPrint $3 StrLen $5 $3 IntOp $4 $4 + $5 IntOp $4 $4 + 1 Goto loop done: System::Free $1 StrCmp $0 0 noClose System::Call "${RegCloseKey}(r0)" noClose: SectionEnd