Exporting Captured Data as a .txt or .csv File
To save abbreviated information about the captured API calls, you can save the captured API calls as a text file or comma-delimited spreadsheet file. Select File»Export... and choose either the Text Files (*.txt) or Comma Delimited (*.csv) option. A .txt file contains only basic information about the captured API calls and can be viewed in any text editor. A .csv file also contains only basic information and can be viewed in any spreadsheet application. However, NI Spy export files cannot subsequently be imported into NI Spy. You can generate an NI Spy export file from a previously saved NI Spy file by opening the saved .spy file in NI Spy and then exporting it. To aid in debugging, save the data as a .spy file.
The Extended export setting does not apply to .csv files because the comma-delimited files would be too large. All exported .csv files use the Summary export mode.