The Script Editor Toolbar includes buttons for the most common commands you use when creating a script:
New—Creates a new script file. If an existing script file is open when you select New, you are prompted to either save or close without saving the existing file.
Open—Opens an existing script file.
Save—Saves the script file that is currently open. If a script file is already saved under the specified name, this command overwrites it with the current script file.
Add Generate—Adds a generate instruction to the current script.
Add Repeat—Adds a repeat instruction to the current script.
Add If/Else/End If—Adds an if else end if instruction to the current script.
Add Wait—Adds a wait instruction to the current script.
Add Clear—Adds a clear instruction to the current script.
Delete Instruction—Deletes highlighted instruction(s).
Next topic: Selecting a Script