Active Item:Row Number Property

LabView Local Project Settings

Active Item:Row Number Property

Short Name: ActiveItemRowNumber

Installed With: Base Package

Class: TreeControl Properties

The row number of the item to which you want to apply subsequent property changes. Wire a value of –1 to this property to select the column headers. Wire a value of –2 to select all rows.

When you read this property, this property returns the row number of the active item. When you write to this property, this property sets the active item to the row number you specify. This property returns an error if you specify an invalid row number. An invalid row is an empty row below the tree.



The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Available in Run-Time Engine and Real-Time Operating SystemYes
Settable when the VI is runningYes
Loads the front panel into memoryNo
Need to authenticate before useNo
Loads the block diagram into memoryNo
Remote access disallowedNo
Must wait until user interface is idleNo
Available with control VIsNo
Available with global VIsNo
Available with strict type definitionsYes
Available with polymorphic VIsNo


Refer to the Tree Enhancements VI in the labview\examples\general\controls\Tree Control Directory.llb for an example of using the Active Item:Row Number property.

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