Cursor Move Event

LabView Local Project Settings

Cursor Move Event

Installed With: Full Development System

Class: IntensityGraph Events

Type: Notify

Generated when the user moves a cursor either by clicking and dragging the cursor or using the Cursor Movement Tool.

If the user selects and moves multiple cursors, a Cursor Move event is generated for each cursor. This event also is generated when a user enters a new value in the cursor legend. This event is useful if you want to register user changes and then adjust the functionality of the graph.


Event Data Fields

SourceSource of the event. LabVIEW UI refers to any built-in user interface event.

TypeType of event that occurred, such as Mouse Down, Value Change, Timeout, and so on.
TimeValue of the millisecond timer when the event occurred.
CtlRefReference to the control on which the event occurred.
CursIdxIndex of the cursor that the user selected.
CursRefReference to the cursor that the user selected.
PlotIdxIndex of the plot for which the attribute changed.
PointIdxIndex of the point that the cursor is currently locked to.
CursLockThe way the cursor locks, such as free, single-plot, or multi-plot.


Refer to the Graph Events VI in the labview\examples\general\graphs directory for an example of using the Cursor Move event.

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