Shortcut Menu Selection (User) Event

LabView Local Project Settings

Shortcut Menu Selection (User) Event

Installed With: Full Development System

Class: Control Events

Type: Notify

Generated when the user selects a user-defined item from the shortcut menu. Use the Shortcut Menu Selection (App) event to generate an event when the user selects an application item from the shortcut menu.


Event Data Fields

SourceSource of the event. LabVIEW UI refers to any built-in user interface event.

TypeType of event that occurred, such as Mouse Down, Value Change, Timeout, and so on.
TimeValue of the millisecond timer when the event occurred.
CtlRefReference to the control on which the event occurred.
ItemTagName of the user-defined shortcut menu item the user selected, such as USER_MY_HELP.
ItemPathPath of the user-defined shortcut menu item that the user selected, such as APP_HELP:USER_MY_HELP.
CoordsCoordinates of the mouse at the location of the mouse click at the time of the event. Coordinates are relative to the pane's origin.
SubObjReference to the object on which the event occurred. For example, if the user right-clicks a cluster that contains several controls, the SubObj might be a control within the cluster, even if the cluster added the shortcut menu item.


Refer to the Run-Time Shortcut Menus VI in the labview\examples\general\Run-TimeShortcutMenu.llb for an example of using the Shortcut Menu Selection (User) event.

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