Web Server:VI Access List Property
Short Name: WebSrvr.VIAccess
Installed With: Base Package
Class: Application Properties
Sets or gets the VIs that are visible through the Web Server. This property also sets or gets whether LabVIEW allows access to each VI.
This property is an array of strings, where each string is a VI name that begins with + or -. If you specify a non-default control time limit for a VI, the value appears before +.
- + specifies that LabVIEW allows access to the VI.
- - specifies that LabVIEW does not allow access to the VI.
Note You can use this property to limit access to clones already in memory for remote front panel connections. Limiting access to clones is useful when you have a limited number of resources. To limit the number of clones created for remote front panel connections, use the Open VI Reference function to create the required number of clones. Use the VI Clone Name property to get the name of each clone. Limit the access to only those clones you created by adding each clone name beginning with + to the array and by adding the name of the original reentrant VI beginning with - to the array. |
This property is similar to the Web Server: Visible VIs page of the Options dialog box.
The following table lists the characteristics of this property.
Available in Run-Time Engine and Real-Time Operating System | Yes |
Permissions | Read/Write |
Settable when the VI is running | Yes |
Loads the front panel into memory | No |
Need to authenticate before use | No |
Loads the block diagram into memory | No |
Remote access disallowed | Yes |
Must wait until user interface is idle | No |
Available with control VIs | No |
Available with global VIs | No |
Available with strict type definitions | No |
Available with polymorphic VIs | No |