NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Properties

NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras VI

NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Properties

Refer to the class name below for the properties associated with each NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras class. Refer to the NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras Function Reference Help for more information about NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras properties and attributes.

The following table describes the NI-IMAQ for IEEE 1394 Cameras properties.

PropertyLong Name Data Type and Range Access Privilege Description
VendorNameCamera Information:Vendor NameRead OnlyReturns the vendor name.
ModelNameCamera Information:Model NameRead OnlyReturns the model number.
VideoFormatAcquisition Attributes:Video FormatRead/WriteGets/sets the video format. Must be a value between 0 and 7.
VideoModeAcquisition Attributes:Video ModeRead/WriteGets/sets the video mode. Must be a value between 0 and 7.
VideoRateAcquisition Attributes:Video RateRead/WriteGets/sets the video frame rate. Must be a value between 0 and 7.
ImageRepAcquisition Attributes:Image RepresentationRead OnlyGets the image representation for the acquisition.

Mono 8=2
Mono 16=3
RGB 32=4
RGB 64=5
TimeoutAcquisition Attributes:TimeoutRead/WriteGets/sets the timeout value in milliseconds, used to abort an acquisition when the image transfer cannot be completed within the delay.
Format7UnitWidthAcquisition Attributes:Partial Scan:Unit WidthRead OnlyGets the minimum width of the acquisition window. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7). When defining a region of interest in Format 7, the width of the ROI must be a multiple of UnitWidth.
Format7UnitHeightAcquisition Attributes:Partial Scan:Unit HeightRead OnlyGets the minimum height of the acquisition window. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7). When defining a region of interest in Format 7, the width of the ROI must be a multiple of UnitHeight.
UniqueIDLowCamera Information: Unique ID LowRead OnlyReturns the low part of the 64-bit unique node ID of the IEEE 1394 camera associated with this session.
UniqueIDHiCamera Information: Unique ID HighRead OnlyReturns the low part of the 64-bit unique node ID of the IEEE 1394 camera associated with this session.
LostBufferCountStatusInformation:LostBufferCountRead OnlyGets the number of lost buffers during an acquisition session. Lost buffers occur when no internal buffers are available when the camera is streaming video data.
Format7LeftAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Acquisition Window LeftRead/WriteGets/sets the left edge of the acquisition window. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7).
Format7TopAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Acquisition Window TopRead/WriteGets/sets the top edge of the acquisition window. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7).
Format7WidthAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Acquisition Window WidthRead/WriteGets/sets the width of the acquisition window. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7).
Format7HeightAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Acquisition Window HeightRead/WriteGets/sets the height of the acquisition window. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7).
Format7ColorCodingAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Color CodingRead/WriteGets/sets the color coding used for the current video format/mode if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7). If the camera supports only standard video modes, this property is Read Only.

Mono 8=1
YUV 411=2
YUV 422=3
YUV 444=4
RGB 8=5
Mono 16=6
RGB 16=7
Signed Mono 16=8
Signed Mono RGB=9
Raw 8=10
Raw 16=11
ImageWidthAcquisition Attributes: Image WidthRead OnlyGets the maximum width of the acquisition window.
ImageHeightAcquisition Attributes: Image HeightRead OnlyGets the maximum height of the acquisition window.
BytesPerPixelAcquisition Attributes: Bytes Per PixelRead OnlyGets the number of bytes used for each pixel.
FrameIntervalAcquisition Attributes: Frame IntervalRead OnlyGets the expected duration of a frame acquisition, in milliseconds.
Format7BytesPerPacketAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Bytes Per PacketRead/WriteGets/sets the number of bytes transmitted per isochronous IEEE 1394 serial packet. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7).
ROILeftAcquisition Attributes: Region of Interest LeftRead/WriteGets/sets the left edge of the region of interest.
ROITopAcquisition Attributes: Region of Interest TopRead/WriteGets/sets the top edge of the region of interest.
ROIWidthAcquisition Attributes: Region of Interest WidthRead/WriteGets/sets the width of the region of interest.
ROIHeightAcquisition Attributes: Region of Interest HeightRead/WriteGets/sets the height of the region of interest.
Format7SpeedAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: SpeedRead/WriteGets/sets the transmission speed of the isochronous IEEE 1394 serial packet. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7).

100 Mbps=1
200 Mbps=2
400 Mbps=3
800 Mbps=4
1600 Mbps=5
3200 Mbps=6
LastBufferNumberStatus Information:Last Transferred Buffer NumberRead OnlyGets the last transferred cumulative buffer number.
FrameCountStatus Information:Transferred Frame CountRead OnlyGets the number of frames transferred.
AcqInProgressStatus Information: Acquisition in ProgressRead OnlyGets the current state of the acquisition.
IgnoreFirstFrameAcquisition Attributes: Ignore First FrameRead/WriteGets/sets the video delay of one frame interval between starting the camera and receiving the video feed.
ShiftPixelBitsAcquisition Attributes: Shift Pixel BitsRead/WriteGets/sets the alignment of 16-bit cameras. Downshift the pixel bits if the camera returns most significant bit-aligned data.
SwapPixelBytesAcquisition Attributes: Swap Pixel BytesRead/WriteGets/sets the endianness of 16-bit cameras. Swap the pixel bytes if the camera returns little endian data.
Format7UnitBytesPerPacketAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Unit Bytes Per PacketRead OnlyGets the minimum value of data transfer size. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7). When defining data transfer size in Format 7, the value of the size must be a multiple of UnitSize.
BitsPerPixelAcquisition Attributes: Bits Per PixelRead/WriteGets/sets the true bit depth of 16-bit cameras. Valid values are 10, 12, 14, and 16.
ColorFilterInqAcquisition Attributes: Bayer: Available Color FilterRead OnlyGets the recommended Bayer pattern to use for a Bayer sensor.

ColorFilterAcquisition Attributes: Bayer: Color FilterRead/WriteGets/sets the Bayer pattern to use for a Bayer sensor.

ColorFilterGainRAcquisition Attributes: Bayer: Gain RRead/WriteGets/sets the red gain coefficient for Bayer decoding. Valid values range from 0 to 3.999.
ColorFilterGainGAcquisition Attributes: Bayer: Gain GRead/WriteGets/sets the green gain coefficient for Bayer decoding. Valid values range from 0 to 3.999.
ColorFilterGainBAcquisition Attributes: Bayer: Gain BRead/WriteGets/sets the blue gain coefficient for Bayer decoding. Valid values range from 0 to 3.999
Format7MaxSpeedAcquisition Attributes: Partial Scan: Max SpeedRead OnlyGets the maximum value of data transfer speed. Valid only if the camera supports Partial Image Size Format (Format 7).

100 Mbps=1
200 Mbps=2
400 Mbps=3
800 Mbps=4
1600 Mbps=5
3200 Mbps=6
AttrCamera Attributes: AttributeRead/WriteGets/sets the current camera attribute.

Auto Exposure=1
White Balance U=3
White Balance V=4
Optical Filter=16
Trigger Delay=75
White Shading R=76
White Shading G=77
White Shading B=78
Frame Rate=79
ModeCamera Attributes: ModeRead/WriteGets/sets the current operation mode for the current camera attribute.

One Push=3
ValueCamera Attributes: ValueRead/WriteGets/sets the current value for the current camera attribute.
MinCamera Attributes: Range: MinimumRead/WriteGets the minimum value for the current camera attribute and mode.
MaxCamera Attributes: Range: MaximumRead/WriteGets the maximum value for the current camera attribute and mode.
PresentCamera Attributes: Inquiry: PresentRead OnlyReturns TRUE if the current camera attribute is present.
AbsoluteCamera Attributes: Inquiry: AbsoluteRead OnlyReturns TRUE if the current camera attribute supports absolute operation mode.
OnePushCamera Attributes: Inquiry: One PushRead OnlyReturns TRUE if the current camera attribute supports the One Push operation mode.
OffCamera Attributes: Inquiry: OffRead OnlyReturns TRUE if the current camera attribute supports the Off operation mode.
AutoCamera Attributes: Inquiry: AutoRead OnlyReturns TRUE if the current camera attribute supports the Auto operation mode.
ManualCamera Attributes: Inquiry: ManualRead OnlyReturns TRUE if the current camera attribute supports the Relative operation mode.
ReadableCamera Attributes: Inquiry: ReadableRead OnlyReturns TRUE if the current camera attribute is readable.
NameCamera Attributes: Inquiry: NameRead OnlyReturns the name of the current camera attribute.
Base AddressCamera Information: BaseAddressRead OnlyReturns the base address of the camera command registers.