
NI-DCPower Function Reference


ViStatus niDCPower_ResetDevice (ViSession vi);


Resets the device to a known state. The function disables power generation, resets session attributes to their default values, clears errors such as overtemperature and unexpected loss of auxiliary power, commits the session attributes, and leaves the session in Immediate mode.

The niDCPower_ResetDevice function performs a hard reset on the device and the driver software. This function has the same functionality as using reset in Measurement & Automation Explorer.


Name Type Description
vi ViSession Identifies a particular instrument session. vi is obtained from the niDCPower_init or niDCPower_InitWithOptions function.

Return Value

Name Type Description
StatusViStatusReports the status of this operation. To obtain a text description of the status code, call the niDCPower_error_message function. To obtain additional information concerning the error condition, call the niDCPower_GetError function.