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Public Constructor Declared in:

'Declaration' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Declaration

    CNiInterface::ThreadAccess threadAccess);

'Description' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. Description

Default constructor.

Shortcut to top of page. Parameters

CNiInterface::ThreadAccess threadAccess

Specifies how the object can be accessed from multiple threads. The following list includes valid thread access options.

  • CNiInterface::SingleThread
  • CNiInterface::MultipleThreads
  • CNiInterface::MultipleThreadsWithCaching

The thread access specifies the level of multithread support that the object provides. If you do not need to access the object from a thread thread other than the one that created it, specify CNiInterface::SingleThread to optimize performance.


1. CNiInterface::SingleThread - no multithread support. You can use the object only from the thread in which you created the object or attached the interface pointer.

2. CNiInterface::MultipleThreads - full multithread support. You can use the object from any thread. You can destroy the object from any thread.

3. CNiInterface::MultipleThreadsWithCaching - full multithread support with caching. You can use the object from any thread. The object internally caches the interface pointer, when possible, to increase performance. A consequence of the caching is that you must destroy the object or detach the interface pointer in the same thread in which you constructed the object or attached the interface pointer.

'See Also' icon -- Shortcut to top of page. See Also

Class Overview Class Overview  |  Public base class CWnd  |  Hierarchy Chart Hierarchy Chart