AppleEvent VIs

NI AppleEvent VIs

AppleEvent VIs

Owning Palette: Protocols VIs and Functions

Installed With: Base Package (Mac OS). This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the AppleEvent VIs to interface with applications using Apple event instructions.


The VIs on this palette can return Apple event error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
AESend Do ScriptSends the Do Script Apple event to a target application.
AESend Finder OpenSends the Apple event instructing the Finder on a machine to open applications or documents.
AESend Open DocumentSends the Open Document Apple event to a target application, instructing the application to open a document.
AESend OpenSends the Open Apple event to a target application.
AESend Print DocumentSends the Print Document Apple event to a target application, instructing the application to print a document.
AESend Quit ApplicationSends the Quit Application Apple event to a target application.
Get Target IDReturns a target ID for an application based on its name and location. You can specify the name and location of the application or search the entire network for the application.

LabVIEW Specific Apple Events VIsUse the LabVIEW Specific Apple Events VIs to send messages that only LabVIEW applications (standard and run-time systems) recognize. Use these VIs only when communicating with LabVIEW applications.
Low Level Apple Events VIsUse the Low Level Apple Events VIs to construct Apple event parameters and send the Apple event. The high-level VIs for sending Apple events are based on the AESend VI and are good examples of creating Apple events and their parameters.


Refer to the labview\examples\comm\AE Examples.llb for examples of using the AppleEvent VIs.

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