Library Properties (ActiveX)
Installed With: Base Package
Inherits from ProjectItem.
Use these properties to configure LabVIEW project libraries.
Property | Description |
AlarmsEventsDBComputer | Specifies the name of the computer where the alarms and events database resides. Details |
AlarmsEventsDBName | Specifies the name of the database where the LabVIEW Shared Variable Engine logs alarms and events. Details |
AlarmsEventsDBPath | Specifies the file path to the database where the LabVIEW Shared Variable Engine logs alarms and events. Details |
AlarmsEventsEnable | Enables alarms and events logging capability if set to TRUE. Details |
AlarmsEventsUseDataLoggingDB | Sets the alarms and events database to be the same as the database that logs data. If set to TRUE, LabVIEW ignores properties set on the AlarmsEvents database. Details |
DataLoggingDBComputer | Specifies the name of the computer where the database resides. Details |
DataLoggingDBName | Specifies the name of the database where the LabVIEW Shared Variable Engine logs data. Details |
DataLoggingDBPath | Specifies the file path to the database where the LabVIEW Shared Variable Engine logs data. Details |
DataLoggingEnable | Enables data logging capability if set to TRUE. Details |
DataLoggingLifespan | Sets the lifespan (in days) of the logged data in the database. If value is 0, then data is always available, otherwise the database can destroy data after the number of specified days. Details |
Description | Specifies the description of the LabVIEW project library for the Context Help window. Details |
HelpDocumentPath | Path or symbolic path to an HTML file (.htm or .html) or compiled help file (.chm or .hlp) to which the LabVIEW project library is linked. Details |
HelpDocumentTag | Index keyword or HTML filename for a topic in the compiled help file to which the LabVIEW project library is linked. To link to a bookmark within an HTML file, add # followed by the name of the bookmark to the end of the filename. Details |
LocalName | The localized name of the item. Details |
Version | The version number of the LabVIEW project library. Details |