Times Methods


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The Times type exposes the following members.


Public methodStatic memberAtLeast
Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked callCount times as minimum.
Public methodStatic memberAtLeastOnce
Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked one time as minimum.
Public methodStatic memberAtMost
Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked callCount time as maximun.
Public methodStatic memberAtMostOnce
Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked one time as maximun.
Public methodStatic memberBetween
Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked between callCountFrom and callCountTo times.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to this instance.
(Overrides ValueType..::..Equals(Object).)
Public methodStatic memberExactly
Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked exactly callCount times.
Public methodGetHashCode
Returns a hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueType..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public methodStatic memberNever
Specifies that a mocked method should not be invoked.
Public methodStatic memberOnce
Specifies that a mocked method should be invoked exactly one time.

See Also