| Name | Description |
  | CombineFilters(String, String, String)(String^, String^, String^)(String, String, String)(String, String, String) | Creates a filter condition using the specified logical operator on two filter conditions. |
 | Equals(Object)(Object^)(Object)(Object) | |
 | Finalize()()()() | |
  | GenerateFilterCondition(String, String, String)(String^, String^, String^)(String, String, String)(String, String, String) | Generates a property filter condition string for the string value. |
  | GenerateFilterConditionForBinary(String, String, Byte[])(String^, String^, array<Byte>^)(String, String, Byte[])(String, String, Byte()) | Generates a property filter condition string for the binary value. |
  | GenerateFilterConditionForBool(String, String, Boolean)(String^, String^, Boolean)(String, String, Boolean)(String, String, Boolean) | Generates a property filter condition string for the boolean value. |
  | GenerateFilterConditionForDate(String, String, DateTimeOffset)(String^, String^, DateTimeOffset)(String, String, DateTimeOffset)(String, String, DateTimeOffset) | Generates a property filter condition string for the DateTimeOffset value. |
  | GenerateFilterConditionForDouble(String, String, Double)(String^, String^, Double)(String, String, Double)(String, String, Double) | Generates a property filter condition string for the Double value. |
  | GenerateFilterConditionForGuid(String, String, Guid)(String^, String^, Guid)(String, String, Guid)(String, String, Guid) | Generates a property filter condition string for the Guid value. |
  | GenerateFilterConditionForInt(String, String, Int32)(String^, String^, Int32)(String, String, Int32)(String, String, Int32) | Generates a property filter condition string for an Int32 value. |
  | GenerateFilterConditionForLong(String, String, Int64)(String^, String^, Int64)(String, String, Int64)(String, String, Int64) | Generates a property filter condition string for an Int64 value. |
 | GetHashCode()()()() | |
 | GetType()()()() | |
 | MemberwiseClone()()()() | |
  | Project<T><T><'T>(Of T)(T, String[])(T, array<String^>^)('T, String[])(T, String()) | Specifies the names of the entity properties to return when the query is executed against the table. |
 | Select(IList<String>)(IList<String^>^)(IList<String>)(IList(Of String)) | Defines the property names of the table entity properties to return when the table query is executed. |
 | Take(Nullable<Int32>)(Nullable<Int32>)(Nullable<Int32>)(Nullable(Of Int32)) | Defines the upper bound for the number of entities the query returns. |
 | ToString()()()() | |
 | Where(String)(String^)(String)(String) | Defines a filter expression for the table query. Only entities that satisfy the specified filter expression will be returned by the query. |