Storage Client Library for Windows Phone (Version 7.0)

Microsoft Windows Azure Storage Blob

Begins an asynchronous operation to acquire a lease on this blob.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll)


ICancellableAsyncResult BeginAcquireLease(
	Nullable<TimeSpan> leaseTime,
	string proposedLeaseId,
	AsyncCallback callback,
	object state
ICancellableAsyncResult^ BeginAcquireLease(
	Nullable<TimeSpan> leaseTime,
	String^ proposedLeaseId,
	AsyncCallback^ callback,
	Object^ state
abstract BeginAcquireLease : 
        leaseTime:Nullable<TimeSpan> *
        proposedLeaseId:string *
        callback:AsyncCallback *
        state:Object -> ICancellableAsyncResult
Function BeginAcquireLease (
	leaseTime As Nullable(Of TimeSpan),
	proposedLeaseId As String,
	callback As AsyncCallback,
	state As Object
) As ICancellableAsyncResult


Type: System.Nullable<TimeSpan>System::Nullable<TimeSpan>System.Nullable<TimeSpan>System.Nullable(Of TimeSpan)

A TimeSpan representing the span of time for which to acquire the lease, which will be rounded down to seconds.

Type: System.StringSystem::String^System.StringSystem.String

A string representing the proposed lease ID for the new lease.

Type: System.AsyncCallbackSystem::AsyncCallback^System.AsyncCallbackSystem.AsyncCallback

An optional callback delegate that will receive notification when the asynchronous operation completes.

Type: System.ObjectSystem::Object^System.ObjectSystem.Object

A user-defined object that will be passed to the callback delegate.

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