Storage Client Library for Windows Phone (Version 7.0)

Microsoft Windows Azure Storage Blob

Initiates an asynchronous operation to download the contents of a blob to a byte array.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.dll)


Task<int> DownloadToByteArrayAsync(
	byte[] target,
	int index
Task<int>^ DownloadToByteArrayAsync(
	array<unsigned char>^ target,
	int index
abstract DownloadToByteArrayAsync : 
        target:byte[] *
        index:int -> Task<int>
Function DownloadToByteArrayAsync (
	target As Byte(),
	index As Integer
) As Task(OfInteger)


Type: System.Byte[]array<System::Byte>^System.Byte[]System.Byte()

The target byte array.

Type: System.Int32System::Int32System.Int32System.Int32

The starting offset in the byte array.

Return Value

Type: System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Int32>System.Threading.Tasks::Task<Int32>^System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Int32>System.Threading.Tasks.Task(Of Int32)

A Task object of type int that represents the asynchronous operation.

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