HTMLparser Fields


High-performance .NET C# HTMLparser Library

HTMLparser Fields

The fields of the HTMLparser class are listed below. For a complete list of HTMLparser class members, see the HTMLparser Members topic.

Public Instance Fields

bAutoExtractBetweenTagsOnly If true (and either bAutoKeepComments or bAutoKeepScripts is true), then oHTML will be set to data BETWEEN tags excluding those tags themselves, as otherwise FULL HTML will be set, ie: '' but if this is set to true then only ' comments ' will be returned
bAutoKeepComments If true (default) then HTML for comments tags themselves AND between them will be set to oHTML variable, otherwise it will be empty but you can always set it later
bAutoKeepScripts If true (default: false) then HTML for script tags themselves AND between them will be set to oHTML variable, otherwise it will be empty but you can always set it later
bAutoMarkClosedTagsWithParamsAsOpen Long winded name... by default if tag is closed BUT it has got parameters then we will consider it open tag, this is not right for proper XML parsing
bCompressWhiteSpaceBeforeTag If true (default), then all whitespace before TAG starts will be compressed to single space char (32 or 0x20) this makes parser run a bit faster, if you need exact whitespace before tags then change this flag to FALSE
oHE Heuristics engine used by Tag Parser to quickly match known tags and attribute names, can be disabled or you can add more tags to it to fit your most likely cases, it is currently tuned for HTML

See Also

HTMLparser Class | Majestic12 Namespace