About the HTML Source for Office Documents

Microsoft Script Editor

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About the HTML Source for Office Documents

Microsoft Office supports Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) as a native file format. Using HTML, Office documents and data can be stored, distributed, and presented in a format that can be viewed using most Web browsers, while retaining the rich content and functionality of Office documents stored using the traditional companion binary file formats. Widely used in Web pages, HTML elements are focused primarily on the presentation of content, or in other words, on how information is displayed. Although HTML is quite capable of displaying a wide variety of content, it is incapable of describing data in an efficient way.

To compensate for limitations in HTML for defining all the elements of an Office document, the Office applications use combinations of Extensible Markup Language (XML), Vector Markup Language (VML), and cascading style sheets (CSS) in addition to HTML. This allows the Office applications to preserve all the Office-specific content and information about a document when it is saved as HTML. An Office application can interpret all the content and information it saved the next time it opens the HTML file.

Extensible Markup Language (XML)

Vector Markup Language (VML)

Cascading style sheets (CSS)