Type Property (VBA Add-In Object Model)

Microsoft VBA

Type Property (VBA Add-In Object Model)


Returns a numeric or string value containing the type of object. Read-only.

Return Values

The Type property settings for the Window object are described in the following table:

Constant Value Description
vbext_wt_CodeWindow 0 Code window
vbext_wt_Designer 1 Designer
vbext_wt_Browser 2 Object Browser
vbext_wt_Immediate 5 Immediate window
vbext_wt_ProjectWindow 6 Project window
vbext_wt_PropertyWindow 7 Properties window
vbext_wt_Find 8 Find dialog box
vbext_wt_FindReplace 9 Search and Replace dialog box
vbext_wt_LinkedWindowFrame 11 Linked window frame
vbext_wt_MainWindow 12 Main window
vbext_wt_Watch 3 Watch window
vbext_wt_Locals 4 Locals window
vbext_wt_Toolbox 10 Toolbox
vbext_wt_ToolWindow 15 Tool window

Important   Objects, properties, and methods for controlling linked windows, linked window frames, and docked windows are included on the Macintosh for compatibility with code written in Windows. However, these language elements will generate run-time errors when run on the Macintosh.

The Type property settings for the VBComponent object are described in the following table:

Constant Value Description
vbext_ct_StdModule 1 Standard module
vbext_ct_ClassModule 2 Class module
vbext_ct_MSForm 3 Microsoft Form
vbext_ct_ActiveXDesigner 11 ActiveX Designer
vbext_ct_Document 100 Document Module

The Type property settings for the Reference object are described in the following table:

Constant Value Description
vbext_rk_TypeLib 0 Type library
vbext_rk_Project 1 Project

The Type property settings for the VBProject object are described in the following table:

Constant Value Description
vbext_pt_HostProject 100 Host Project
vbext_pt_StandAlone 101 Standalone Project