Replace Text in Code
To replace text in a module
- On the Edit menu, click Replace.
The Replace dialog box appears.
- In the Find What box, type the text you want to search for.
- In the Replace With box, type the replacement text.
- Select a Search option to specify where to look for the text.
- Select a direction from the Direction list to specify the direction of the search.
- To set limits on the search, select:
- Find Whole Word Only to search for the complete word by itself, and not as part of another word.
- Match Case for an exact match.
- Use Pattern Matching to use wildcard characters.
- Find Whole Word Only to search for the complete word by itself, and not as part of another word.
- Choose Find Next if you want to confirm the change before replacing the text; choose Replace to replace the highlighted occurrence of the found text and automatically perform a Find Next; or choose Replace All to change all occurrences of the search text automatically.