Using For Each...Next Statements
For Each...Next statements repeat a block of statements for each object in a collection or each element in an array. Visual Basic automatically sets a variable each time the loop runs. For example, the following procedure closes all forms except the form containing the procedure that’s running.
Sub CloseForms()
For Each frm In Application.Forms
If frm.Caption <> Screen. ActiveForm.Caption Then frm.Close
End Sub
The following code loops through each element in an array and sets the value of each to the value of the index variable I.
Dim TestArray(10) As Integer, I As Variant
For Each I In TestArray
TestArray(I) = I
Next I
Looping Through a Range of Cells
Use a For Each...Next loop to loop through the cells in a range. The following procedure loops through the range A1:D10 on Sheet1 and sets any number whose absolute value is less than 0.01 to 0 (zero).
Sub RoundToZero()
For Each myObject in myCollection
If Abs(myObject.Value) < 0.01 Then myObject.Value = 0
End Sub
Exiting a For Each...Next Loop Before it is Finished
You can exit a For Each...Next loop using the Exit For statement. For example, when an error occurs, use the Exit For statement in the True statement block of either an If...Then...Else statement or a Select Case statement that specifically checks for the error. If the error does not occur, then the If…Then…Else statement is False and the loop continues to run as expected.
The following example tests for the first cell in the range A1:B5 that does not contain a number. If such a cell is found, a message is displayed and Exit For exits the loop.
Sub TestForNumbers()
For Each myObject In MyCollection
If IsNumeric(myObject.Value) = False Then
MsgBox "Object contains a non-numeric value."
Exit For
End If
Next c
End Sub