ShapeFixedCode cell (Shape Layout section)
Specifies placement behavior for a placeable shape.
Value |
Selection mode |
Automation constant |
&H1 |
Don't move this shape when shapes are laid out using the Lay Out Shapes command. |
visSLOFixedPlacement |
&H2 |
Don't move this shape and do not allow shapes that plow to be placed on top of it. |
visSLOFixedPlow |
&H4 |
Don't move this shape and allow shapes that plow to be placed on top of it. |
visSLOFixedPermeablePlow |
&H20 (32) |
Ignore connection point locations when being routed to. |
visSLOFixedConnPysIgnore |
&H40 (64) |
Only allow routing to sides with connection points. |
visSLOFixedConnPtsOnly |
&H80 (128) |
Don't glue to the perimeter of this shape. Glue to the shape's alignment box instead. |
visSLOFixedNoFoldToShape |
You can also set the value of this cell on the Placement tab in the Behavior dialog box (with the shape selected, click Behavior on the Format menu).
You can set any combination of these values for this cell. For example, you can enter the value 3 (&H3), which eliminates movement when you lay out shapes using the Lay Out Shapes command and when other placeable shapes are placed on or near the shape.
In versions earlier than Microsoft Visio 2000, you set this behavior using the ObjInteract cell in the Miscellaneous section.
To reference the ShapeFixedCode cell by name from another formula, or from a program using the Cells property, use:
Cell name: |
ShapeFixedCode |
To reference the ShapeFixedCode cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:
Section index: |
visSectionObject |
Row index: |
visRowShapeLayout |
Cell index: |
visSLOFixedCode |