PlaceFlip cell (Page Layout section)
Determines how placeable shapes flip and/or rotate on a page when you use the Lay Out Shapes command.
Value |
Description |
Automation constant |
&H0 |
Default. Do not flip. |
visLOFlipDefault |
&H1 |
Flip horizontal. |
visLOFlipX |
&H2 |
Flip vertical. |
visLOFlipY |
&H4 |
Flip in 90 degree increments. |
visLOFlipRotate |
&H8 |
Do not flip. |
visLOFlipNone |
The value in the PlaceFlip cell helps orient a placeable shape toward the next placeable shape it is connected to. It is typically used when laying out drawings that use static glue.
To set this behavior for a particular shape, use the ShapePlaceFlip cell in the Shape Layout section.
To reference the PlaceFlip cell by name from another formula, or from a program using the Cells property, use:
Cell name: |
PlaceFlip |
To reference the PlaceFlip cell by index from a program, use the CellsSRC property with the following arguments:
Section index: |
visSectionObject |
Row index: |
visRowPageLayout |
Cell index: |
visPLOPlaceFlip |