Microsoft Office ShapeSheet Documentation
EditMode cell (Text Fields section)
Microsoft Office ShapeSheet
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EditMode cell (Text Fields section)
See also
Reserved for future use.
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Table of contents
ShapeSheet Reference
Conceptual Information
About the ShapeSheet spreadsheet
About formulas
About operators
About functions
About strings
About cell references
About units of measure
About date, time, and duration values
About format pictures
About currency constants
About error values
Common Tasks
Add a new row
Add a section
Add the Show ShapeSheet command to the shortcut menu
Change a row type
Change the name and view the ID of a shape
Collapse or expand a section
Copy and paste a formula from one cell into another cell
Customize ShapeSheet menus and toolbars
Delete a row
Delete a section
Display formulas or values in cells
Edit a part of a formula
Enter an empty formula
Move around a ShapeSheet window
Insert a function into a formula
Reference a cell in a formula
Resize a column in a ShapeSheet window
Show an object in the ShapeSheet window
Show or hide sections
Show or hide ShapeSheet toolbars
Show the Developer toolbar
Type a new formula for a cell
A cell (Geometry section)
Action cell (Actions section)
Active cell (Layers section)
Address cell (Hyperlinks section)
AlignBottom cell (Alignment section)
AlignCenter cell (Alignment section)
AlignLeft cell (Alignment section)
Alignment cell (Tabs section)
AlignMiddle cell (Alignment section)
AlignRight cell (Alignment section)
AlignTop cell (Alignment section)
Angle cell (Shape Transform section)
Ask cell (Custom Properties section)
AvenueSizeX cell (Page Layout section)
AvenueSizeY cell (Page Layout section)
B cell (Geometry section)
BeginArrow cell (Line Format section)
BeginArrowSize cell (Line Format section)
BeginX cell (1-D Endpoints section)
BeginY cell (1-D Endpoints section)
BegTrigger cell (Glue Info section)
BlockSizeX cell (Page Layout section)
BlockSizeY cell (Page Layout section)
Blur cell (Image Properties section)
BottomMargin cell (Text Block Format section)
Brightness cell (Image Properties section)
Bullet cell (Paragraph section)
BulletString cell (Paragraph section)
C cell (Geometry section)
Can Glue cell (Controls section)
Case cell (Character section)
Checked cell (Actions section)
Color cell (Character section)
Color cell (Layers section)
Comment cell (Miscellaneous section)
ConFixedCode cell (Shape Layout section)
ConLineJumpCode cell (Shape Layout section)
ConLineJumpDirX cell (Shape Layout section)
ConLineJumpDirY cell (Shape Layout section)
ConLineJumpStyle cell (Shape Layout section)
ConLineRouteExt cell (Shape Layout section)
Contrast cell (Image Properties section)
CtrlAsInput cell (Page Layout section)
D cell (Connection Points section)
D cell (Geometry section)
Default cell (Hyperlinks section)
DefaultTabstop cell (Text Block Format section)
Denoise cell (Image Properties section)
Description cell (Hyperlinks section)
DirX / A cell (Connection Points section)
DirY / B cell (Connection Points section)
Disabled cell (Actions section)
DisplayMode cell (Group Properties section)
DontMoveChildren cell (Group Properties section)
DoubleULine cell (Character section)
DrawingScale cell (Page Properties section)
DrawingScaleType cell (Page Properties section)
DrawingSizeType cell (Page Properties section)
DynamicsOff cell (Page Layout section)
DynFeedback cell (Miscellaneous section)
E cell (Geometry section)
EditMode cell (Text Fields section)
EnableFillProps cell (Style Properties section)
EnableGrid cell (Page Layout section)
EnableLineProps cell (Style Properties section)
EnableTextProps cell (Style Properties section)
EndArrow cell (Line Format section)
EndArrowSize cell (Line Format section)
EndTrigger cell (Glue Info section)
EndX cell (1-D Endpoints section)
EndY cell (1-D Endpoints section)
EventDblClick cell (Events section)
EventDrop cell (Events section)
EventXFMod cell (Events section)
ExtraInfo cell (Hyperlinks section)
FillBkgnd cell (Fill Format section)
FillBkgndTrans cell (Fill Format section)
FillForegnd cell (Fill Format section)
FillForegndTrans cell (Fill Format section)
FillPattern cell (Fill Format section)
FlipX cell (Shape Transform section)
FlipY cell (Shape Transform section)
Font cell (Character section)
Format cell (Custom Properties section)
Format cell (Text Fields section)
Frame cell (Hyperlinks section)
Gamma cell (Image Properties section)
Glue cell (Layers section)
GlueType cell (Glue Info section)
HAlign cell (Paragraph section)
Height cell (Shape Transform section)
HideForApply cell (Style Properties section)
HideText cell (Miscellaneous section)
ImgHeight cell (Foreign Image Info section)
ImgOffsetX cell (Foreign Image Info section)
ImgOffsetY cell (Foreign Image Info section)
ImgWidth cell (Foreign Image Info section)
IndFirst cell (Paragraph section)
IndLeft cell (Paragraph section)
IndRight cell (Paragraph section)
InhibitSnap cell (Page Properties section)
Invisible cell (Custom Properties section)
IsDropSource cell (Miscellaneous section)
IsDropTarget cell (Group Properties section)
IsSnapTarget cell (Group Properties section)
IsTextEditTarget cell (Group Properties section)
Label cell (Custom Properties section)
LeftMargin cell (Text Block Format section)
LineAdjustFrom cell (Page Layout section)
LineAdjustTo cell (Page Layout section)
LineCap cell (Line Format section)
LineColor cell (Line Format section)
LineColorTrans cell (Line Format section)
LineJumpCode cell (Page Layout section)
LineJumpFactorX cell (Page Layout section)
LineJumpFactorY cell (Page Layout section)
LineJumpStyle cell (Page Layout section)
LinePattern cell (Line Format section)
LineRouteExt cell (Page Layout section)
LineToLineX cell (Page Layout section)
LineToLineY cell (Page Layout section)
LineToNodeX cell (Page Layout section)
LineToNodeY cell (Page Layout section)
LineWeight cell (Line Format section)
Lock cell (Layers section)
LockAspect cell (Protection section)
LockBegin cell (Protection section)
LockCalcWH cell (Protection section)
LockCrop cell (Protection section)
LockDelete cell (Protection section)
LockEnd cell (Protection section)
LockFormat cell (Protection section)
LockGroup cell (Protection section)
LockHeight cell (Protection section)
LockMoveX cell (Protection section)
LockMoveY cell (Protection section)
LockPreview cell (Document Properties section)
LockRotate cell (Protection section)
LockSelect cell (Protection section)
LockTextEdit cell (Protection section)
LockVtxEdit cell (Protection section)
LockWidth cell (Protection section)
LocPinX cell (Shape Transform section)
LocPinY cell (Shape Transform section)
Menu cell (Actions section)
NewWindow cell (Hyperlinks section)
NoAlignBox cell (Miscellaneous section)
NoCtlHandles cell (Miscellaneous section)
NoFill cell (Geometry section)
NoLine cell (Geometry section)
NoLiveDynamics cell (Miscellaneous section)
NonPrinting cell (Miscellaneous section)
NoObjHandles cell (Miscellaneous section)
NoShow cell (Geometry section)
NoSnap cell (Geometry section)
ObjType cell (Miscellaneous section)
OutputFormat cell (Document Properties section)
Overline cell (Character section)
PageHeight cell (Page Properties section)
PageLineJumpDirX cell (Page Layout section)
PageLineJumpDirY cell (Page Layout section)
PageScale cell (Page Properties section)
PageWidth cell (Page Properties section)
Perpendicular cell (Character section)
PlaceDepth cell (Page Layout section)
PlaceFlip cell (Page Layout section)
PlaceStyle cell (Page Layout section)
PinX cell (Shape Transform section)
PinY cell (Shape Transform section)
PlowCode cell (Page Layout section)
Pos cell (Character section)
Position cell (Tabs section)
PreviewQuality cell (Document Properties section)
PreviewScope cell (Document Properties section)
Print cell (Layers section)
Prompt cell (Actions section)
Prompt cell (Custom Properties section)
Prompt cell (User-Defined Cells section)
ResizeMode cell (Shape Transform section)
ResizePage cell (Page Layout section)
RightMargin cell (Text Block Format section)
Rounding cell (Line Format section)
RouteStyle cell (Page Layout section)
Scale cell (Character section)
SelectMode cell (Group Properties section)
ShapeFixedCode cell (Shape Layout section)
ShapePermeablePlace cell (Shape Layout section)
ShapePermeableX cell (Shape Layout section)
ShapePermeableY cell (Shape Layout section)
ShapePlaceFlip cell (Shape Layout section)
ShapePlowCode cell (Shape Layout section)
ShapeRouteStyle cell (Shape Layout section)
Sharpen cell (Image Properties section)
ShdwBkgnd cell (Fill Format section)
ShdwBkgndTrans cell (Fill Format section)
ShdwForegnd cell (Fill Format section)
ShdwForegndTrans cell (Fill Format section)
ShdwOffsetX cell (Page Properties section)
ShdwOffsetY cell (Page Properties section)
ShdwPattern cell (Fill Format section)
Size cell (Character section)
Snap cell (Layers section)
SortKey cell (Custom Properties section)
Spacing cell (Character section)
SpAfter cell (Paragraph section)
SpBefore cell (Paragraph section)
SpLine cell (Paragraph section)
Strikethru cell (Character section)
Style cell (Character section)
SubAddress cell (Hyperlinks section)
TextBkgnd cell (Text Block Format section)
TextBkgndTrans cell (Text Block Format section)
TextDirection cell (Text Block Format section)
TheData cell (Events section)
TheText cell (Events section)
Tip cell (Controls section)
TopMargin cell (Text Block Format section)
Transparency cell (Character section)
Transparency cell (Image Properties section)
Transparency cell (Layers section)
TxtAngle cell (Text Transform section)
TxtHeight cell (Text Transform section)
TxtLocPinX cell (Text Transform section)
TxtLocPinY cell (Text Transform section)
TxtPinX cell (Text Transform section)
TxtPinY cell (Text Transform section)
TxtWidth cell (Text Transform section)
Type cell (Custom Properties section)
Type cell (Text Fields section)
Type / C cell (Connection Points section)
UICategory cell (Text Fields section)
UICode cell (Text Fields section)
UIFormat cell (Text Fields section)
UpdateAlignBox cell (Miscellaneous section)
Value cell (Custom Properties section)
Value cell (Text Fields section)
Value cell (User-Defined Cells section)
VerticalAlign cell (Text Block Format section)
Visible cell (Layers section)
WalkPreference cell (Glue Info section)
Width cell (Shape Transform section)
X cell (Connection Points section)
X cell (Controls section)
X cell (Geometry section)
X Behavior cell (Controls section)
X Dynamics cell (Controls section)
XGridDensity cell (Ruler & Grid section)
XGridOrigin cell (Ruler & Grid section)
XGridSpacing cell (Ruler & Grid section)
XRulerDensity cell (Ruler & Grid section)
XRulerOrigin cell (Ruler & Grid section)
Y cell (Connection Points section)
Y cell (Controls section)
Y cell (Geometry section)
Y Behavior cell (Controls section)
Y Dynamics cell (Controls section)
YGridDensity cell (Ruler & Grid section)
YGridOrigin cell (Ruler & Grid section)
YGridSpacing cell (Ruler & Grid section)
YRulerDensity cell (Ruler & Grid section)
YRulerOrigin cell (Ruler & Grid section)
ABS function
ACOS function
AND function
ANG360 function
ASIN function
ATAN function
ATAN2 function
BITAND function
BITNOT function
BITOR function
BITXOR function
BLUE function
CALLTHIS function
CATEGORY function
CEILING function
CHAR function
COMPANY function
COS function
COSH function
CREATOR function
CY function
DATA1 function
DATA2 function
DATA3 function
DATE function
DATETIME function
DATEVALUE function
DAY function
DAYOFYEAR function
DEG function
DEPENDSON function
DIRECTORY function
DOOLEVERB function
EVALTEXT function
FILENAME function
FLOOR function
FORMAT function
FORMATEX function
GETREF function
GETVAL function
GOTOPAGE function
GRAVITY function
GREEN function
GUARD function
HELP function
HOUR function
HSL function
HUE function
HYPERLINK function
ID function
IF function
INDEX function
INT function
INTUP function
ISERR function
ISERRNA function
ISERROR function
KEYWORDS function
LISTSEP function
LN function
LOC function
LOCTOLOC function
LOCTOPAR function
LOG10 function
LOOKUP function
LOWER function
LUM function
MAGNITUDE function
MANAGER function
MAX function
MIN function
MINUTE function
MODULUS function
MONTH function
NA function
NAME function
NOT function
NOW function
NURBS function
OPENFILE function
OPENPAGE function
OR function
PAGECOUNT function
PAGENAME function
PageNumber function
PAR function
PI function
PLAYSOUND function
PNT function
PNTX function
PNTY function
POLYLINE function
POW function
RAD function
RAND function
RECTSECT function
RED function
REF function
RGB function
ROUND function
RUNADDON function
SAT function
SECOND function
SETF function
SHAPETEXT function
SIGN function
SIN function
SINH function
SQRT function
STRSAME function
STRSAMEEX function
SUBJECT function
SUM function
TAN function
TANH function
TEXTWIDTH function
TIME function
TIMEVALUE function
TITLE function
TRUNC function
TYPE function
TYPEDESC function
UPPER function
USE function
USERUI function
WEEKDAY function
YEAR function
ArcTo row (Geometry section)
Connections.Row row (Connection Points section)
Ellipse row (Geometry section)
EllipticalArcTo row (Geometry section)
Hyperlink.Row row (Hyperlinks section)
InfiniteLine row (Geometry section)
LineTo row (Geometry section)
MoveTo row (Geometry section)
NURBSTo row (Geometry section)
PolylineTo row (Geometry section)
Prop.Name row (Custom Properties section)
SplineKnot row (Geometry section)
SplineStart row (Geometry section)
User.Row row (User-Defined Cells section)
1-D Endpoints section
Actions section
Alignment section
Character section
Connection Points section
Controls section
Custom Properties section
Document Properties section
Events section
Fill Format section
Foreign Image Info section
Geometry section
Glue Info section
Group Properties section
Hyperlinks section
Image Properties section
Layer Membership section
Layers section
Line Format section
Miscellaneous section
Page Layout section
Page Properties section
Paragraph section
Protection section
Ruler & Grid section
Scratch section
Shape Layout section
Shape Transform section
Style Properties section
Tabs section
Text Block Format section
Text Fields section
Text Transform section
User-Defined Cells section
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