Microsoft Office Setup: Advanced Customization
Click a plus sign (+) to see more features. The symbol next to the feature indicates how the feature is installed by default. You can change how the feature is installed by clicking its symbol and then selecting another symbol from the list that appears.
Note You can use the keyboard to browse through features and change setup options for them. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select features. Use the RIGHT ARROW key to expand a feature that contains one or more subfeatures. Use the LEFT ARROW key to collapse an expanded feature. When you have selected the feature you want to change, press SPACEBAR to display the menu of setup choices. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to select the setup option you want, and press ENTER to set it.
If a feature has subfeatures, a symbol with a white background indicates that the feature and all of its subfeatures have the same installation method. A symbol with a gray background indicates that the feature and its subfeatures have mixed installation methods. The symbols and their meanings are as follows:
Run from My Computer
The feature is installed and stored on your hard disk.
Run all from My Computer
The feature and all of its subfeatures are installed and stored on your hard disk.
Run from Network
Note This option appears only if you are installing from an administrative installation image.
The feature is never installed on your hard disk; the files needed to use this feature remain on the network server that the feature was installed from. Features installed by this method require access to that administrative image in order to be available.
Run all from Network
Note This option appears only if you are installing from an administrative installation image.
The feature and all of its subfeatures are never installed on your hard disk; the files needed to use this feature remain on the network server that the feature was installed from. Features installed by this method require access to that network server in order to be available.
Installed on First Use
The feature will be installed on your hard disk when you use the feature for the first time. At that time, you may need access to the CD or network server you installed from in order to install the feature. This option may not be available for all features.
Not Available
The feature isn't installed. You can install it later if you want by opening the Add or Remove Programs control panel, selecting your Office program(s), clicking Change, and selecting Add or Remove Features.