Jet and Replication Objects

Office Jet and Replication Object

JRO Start Page

Version 2.5



Microsoft® Jet and Replication objects (JRO) allow you to add features to your application that are specific to the Microsoft Jet Database Engine. The Jet and Replication objects are based fundamentally on Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO), because they are connected to an ADO Connection object. However, the Jet and Replication objects function only with Microsoft Jet databases.

With the Jet and Replication objects you can:

  • Create and synchronize database replica sets.

  • Compact a database, and specify options for the compacted database, such as passwords and encryption.

  • Refresh the memory cache by writing pending data changes to the database, and reading the most recent data from the database to memory.

The Jet Engine

The Jet database engine is represented by Jet Engine objects. With JetEngine objects, you can make a compacted copy of a Jet database and include options for encrypting data, changing database engine versions, passing user ids and passwords, specifying the system database or registry information, setting or overriding locale-specific collating orders, removing relationships, and repairing damaged replicas. You can also force any pending changes to the data to be processed by completely flushing the cache of database operations.


Replicated databases are represented by Replica objects. With Replica objects, you create new replicated databases, define the options for a specific replica (full, partial, design master), synchronize the changes between two replicas, and determine conflicts that occur during synchronization.


Partial replicas are created using Filter objects, which are collected in the Filters collection of a Replica object. Filter objects define criteria that limit the records that become replicated. Filters can be applied to tables or relationships in a partial replica.

See Also

  • ADO Reference documentation

  • DAO Reference documentation


Documentation of JRO objects, collections, properties, and methods.


Sample programs written in Microsoft Visual Basic®.


Make error reports and feature requests directly to Microsoft.