caption Attribute (toolbar Element)

Microsoft Office InfoPath

caption Attribute (toolbar Element)

Used as the title of the toolbar, when the toolbar is not docked to the user interface.




The caption attribute is a required attribute of the toolbar element.

Note  The caption attribute is also used for the name of the toolbar in the Customize Commands dialog box for a control.


The following is an example of the caption attribute as it is used in the toolbar element:

    <xsf:toolbar caption="CD Collection Toolbar"
   name="CD Collection Toolbar">
   <xsf:button action="xCollection::insert" xmlToEdit="CD_10"
      caption="New CD" showIf="always"></xsf:button>
   <xsf:button action="xCollection::insert" xmlToEdit="Track_14" 
      caption="New Track" showIf="always"></xsf:button>
   <xsf:button action="xOptional::insert" xmlToEdit="Label_16" 
      caption="New Label" showIf="always"></xsf:button>
   <xsf:menu caption="Remove">
      <xsf:button action="xCollection::remove" xmlToEdit="CD_10" 
         caption="CD" showIf="always"></xsf:button>
      <xsf:button action="xCollection::remove" xmlToEdit="Track_14" 
         caption="Track" showIf="always"></xsf:button>
      <xsf:button action="xOptional::remove" xmlToEdit="Label_16" 
         caption="Label" showIf="always"></xsf:button>