userProfile Object
Provides methods that allow a script to request read access to and perform read actions on a user's profile information.
The script request is queued before reading or writing is performed. This simplifies user experience, because users are prompted only once for profile release permissions for a batch of requests.
This object is available in script as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0.
This script example runs on the client and uses the userProfile object to read various values from the profile information.
// Queue a request for read access to multiple profile attributes. navigator.userProfile.addReadRequest("vcard.displayname"); navigator.userProfile.addReadRequest("vcard.gender"); // Request access to the information. navigator.userProfile.doReadRequest(usage-code, "Acme Corporation"); // Now perform read operations to access the information. name = navigator.userProfile.getAttribute("vcard.displayname"); gender = navigator.userProfile.getAttribute("vcard.gender"); // The script can now use the 'name' and 'gender' variables // to personalize content or to send information back to the server. // Clear the request queue to prepare for future information requests. navigator.userProfile.clearRequest();
Applies To
[ Object Name ] Platform Version Win16: Win32: Mac: Unix: WinCE: Version data is listed when the mouse hovers over a link, or the link has focus. clientInformation, navigator
See Also
profile assistant![]()
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