scrollIntoView Method
Causes the object to scroll into view, aligning it either at the top or bottom of the window.
bAlignToTop Optional. Boolean that specifies one of the following values:
true Default. Scrolls the object so that top of the object is visible at the top of the window. false Scrolls the object so that the bottom of the object is visible at the bottom of the window.
Return Value
No return value.
The scrollIntoView method is useful for immediately showing the user the result of some action without requiring the user to manually scroll through the document to find the result.
This example uses the scrollIntoView method to underline the content of the document's fifth paragraph and scroll it into view at the top of the window.
var coll = document.all.tags("P"); if (coll.length >= 5) { coll(4).style.textDecoration = "underline"; coll(4).scrollIntoView(true); }
Applies To
[ Object Name ] Platform Version Win16: Win32: Mac: Unix: WinCE: Version data is listed when the mouse hovers over a link, or the link has focus. A, ADDRESS, APPLET, AREA, B, BIG, BLOCKQUOTE, BR, BUTTON, CAPTION, CENTER, CITE, CODE, COL, COLGROUP, COMMENT, controlRange, custom, DD, DFN, DIR, DIV, DL, DT, EM, EMBED, FIELDSET, FONT, FORM, Hn, HR, I, IFRAME, IMG, INPUT type=button, INPUT type=checkbox, INPUT type=file, INPUT type=image, INPUT type=password, INPUT type=radio, INPUT type=reset, INPUT type=submit, INPUT type=text, KBD, LABEL, LEGEND, LI, LISTING, MAP, MARQUEE, MENU, NOBR, OBJECT, OL, P, PLAINTEXT, PRE, S, SAMP, SELECT, SMALL, SPAN, STRIKE, STRONG, SUB, SUP, TABLE, TBODY, TD, TEXTAREA, TextRange, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TR, TT, U, UL, VAR, WBR, XMP
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