removeAttribute Method
Removes the given attribute from the object.
bSuccess = object.removeAttribute(sName [, iCaseSensitive])
sName Required. String that specifies the attribute name. iCaseSensitive Optional. Integer that specifies whether to use a case-sensitive search to locate the attribute. By default, this value is set to 1 to indicate that the uppercase and lowercase letters in the specified sName parameter must exactly match those in the attribute name. If there are multiple attributes specified with different case sensitivity, the attribute returned might vary across platforms.
Return Value
Boolean. Returns true if successful, or false otherwise.
If two or more attributes have the same name—differing only in uppercase and lowercase letters—and iCaseSensitive is set to 0, this method removes only the last attribute to be created with this name. All other attributes of the same name are ignored.
Applies To
[ Object Name ] Platform Version Win16: Win32: Mac: Unix: WinCE: Version data is listed when the mouse hovers over a link, or the link has focus. A, ADDRESS, APPLET, AREA, B, BASE, BASEFONT, BGSOUND, BIG, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, BR, BUTTON, CAPTION, CENTER, CITE, CODE, COL, COLGROUP, COMMENT, custom, DD, DFN, DIR, DIV, DL, DT, EM, EMBED, FIELDSET, FONT, FORM, FRAME, FRAMESET, HEAD, Hn, HR, HTML, I, IFRAME, IMG, INPUT type=button, INPUT type=checkbox, INPUT type=file, INPUT type=hidden, INPUT type=image, INPUT type=password, INPUT type=radio, INPUT type=reset, INPUT type=submit, INPUT type=text, KBD, LABEL, LEGEND, LI, LINK, LISTING, MAP, MARQUEE, MENU, META, NEXTID, NOBR, OBJECT, OL, OPTION, P, PLAINTEXT, PRE, S, SAMP, SCRIPT, SELECT, SMALL, SPAN, STRIKE, STRONG, SUB, SUP, TABLE, TBODY, TD, TEXTAREA, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TITLE, TR, TT, U, UL, VAR, WBR, XMP
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