onreadystatechange Event
Fires when the state of the object has changed.
Inline HTML <ELEMENT onreadystatechange = "handler" ... > All platforms Event property object.onreadystatechange = handler JScript (compatible with ECMA 262 language specification) only Named script <SCRIPT FOR = object EVENT = onreadystatechange> Internet Explorer only
Bubbles No Cancels No To invoke Change the ready state. Default action Signals the ready state of the document. You can use the readyState property to query the current state of the element when the onreadystatechange event fires.
All elements expose an onreadystatechange event. The following objects always fire the event because they load data: APPLET, document, FRAME, FRAMESET, IFRAME, IMG, LINK, OBJECT, SCRIPT, and XML elements. Other objects will only fire the onreadystatechange event when a dhtml behavior
is attached.
When working with behaviors, wait for the onreadystatechange event to fire and verify that the readyState property of the element is set to complete to ensure that the behavior is completely downloaded and applied to the element. Until the onreadystatechange event fires, if you use any of the behavior-defined members before attaching the behavior to the element, a scripting error can result, indicating that the object does not support that particular property or method.
Event Object Properties
Although event handlers in the DHTML Object Model do not receive parameters directly, the handler can query the event object for data.
srcElement Retrieves the object that fired the event. type Retrieves the event name from the event object.
This example uses the onreadystatechange event to invoke a function when the readyState is complete.
document.onreadystatechange=fnStartInit; function fnStartInit(){ if(event.readyState=="complete"){ // Finish initialization. } }
Applies To
[ Object Name ] Platform Version Win16: Win32: Mac: Unix: WinCE: Version data is listed when the mouse hovers over a link, or the link has focus. A, ACRONYM, ADDRESS, APPLET, AREA, B, BASE, BASEFONT, BDO, BGSOUND, BIG, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, BR, BUTTON, CAPTION, CENTER, CITE, CODE, COL, COLGROUP, COMMENT, custom, DD, DEL, DFN, DIR, DIV, DL, document, DT, EM, EMBED, FIELDSET, FONT, FORM, HEAD, Hn, HR, HTML, I, IMG, INPUT type=button, INPUT type=checkbox, INPUT type=file, INPUT type=hidden, INPUT type=image, INPUT type=password, INPUT type=radio, INPUT type=reset, INPUT type=submit, INPUT type=text, INS, ISINDEX, KBD, LABEL, LEGEND, LI, LINK, LISTING, MAP, MARQUEE, MENU, NEXTID, NOBR, NOFRAMES, NOSCRIPT, OBJECT, OL, OPTION, P, PLAINTEXT, PRE, Q, RT, RUBY, S, SAMP, SCRIPT, SELECT, SMALL, SPAN, STRIKE, STRONG, STYLE, SUB, SUP, TABLE, TBODY, TD, TEXTAREA, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, TITLE, TR, TT, U, UL, VAR, XML, XMP
See Also
data binding, onload
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