@font-face Rule
Sets a font to embed in the HTML document.
HTML @font-face { sFace } Scripting N/A
Possible Values
sFace String that specifies one of the following values:
font-family:fontFamilyName Any of the range of values available to the fontFamily property. src:url(sURL) Location of the font file, where sURL is an absolute or relative URL. The rule has no default value.
Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see dynamic properties
This feature allows you to use specific fonts that might not be available on your local system. The URL should point to an embedded OpenType file (.eot or .ote format). The file contains compressed font data that is converted to a TrueType font. For more information about the font embedding feature and pointers to a tool for creating .eot files, see font embedding
This example embeds a font in an HTML document by referencing its source from another site.
Sample Code
<HTML> <HEAD> <STYLE> @font-face { font-family:comic; src:url(http://valid_url/some_font_file.eot); } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P STYLE="font-family:comic;font-size:18pt"> This paragraph uses the font-face rule defined in the above style element. The rule embeds an OpenType file for the Comic Sans font. </P> </BODY> </HTML>
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