Programming Guide

Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server

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This section contains topics that help you develop applications with the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server.

In This Section



Connecting to the Server

Describes the options and procedures for connecting to SQL Server.

Comparing Execution Functions

Compares the functions that are used to execute a query by examining different use cases for each. Specifically, this document compares executing a single query with executing a prepared query multiple times.

Direct Statement Execution and Prepared Statement Execution in the PDO_SQLSRV Driver

Discusses how to use the PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY attribute to specify direct statement execution instead of the default, which is prepared statement execution.

Retrieving Data

Examines the various ways that data can be retrieved.

Updating Data

Addresses how to update data in a database by examining common use cases.

Converting Data Types

Addresses how to specify data types and provide details on default data types.

Handling Errors and Warnings

Addresses how to handle errors and warnings.

Logging Activity

Provides information about logging errors and warnings.

Security Considerations

Describes security considerations for developing, deploying, and running applications.

See Also