Name Property (DAO)

Microsoft DAO 3.60

Name Property


Sets or returns a user-defined name for a DAO object. For an object not appended to a collection, this property is read/write.

Settings and Return Values

The setting or return value is a String that specifies a name. The name must start with a letter. The maximum number of characters depends on the type of object Name applies to, as shown in Remarks. It can include numbers and underscore characters ( _ ) but can't include punctuation or spaces.


TableDef, QueryDef, Field, Index, User, and Group objects can't share the same name with any object in the same collection.

The Name property of a Recordset object opened by using an SQL statement is the first 256 characters of the SQL statement.

You can use an object's Name property with the Visual Basic for Applications Dim statement in code to create other instances of the object.

Note For many of the DAO objects, the Name property reflects the name as known to the Database object, as in the name of a TableDef, Field, or QueryDef object. There is no direct link between the name of the DAO object and the object variable used to reference it.

The read/write usage of the Name property depends on the type of object it applies to, and whether or not the object has been appended to a collection. In an ODBCDirect workspace, the Name property of an appended object is always read-only. The following table indicates whether the Name property in a Microsoft Jet workspace is read/write or read-only for an object that is appended to a collection (unless otherwise noted), and also indicates its maximum length in cases where it is read/write.

Object Usage Maximum length
Container Read-only
Connection Read-only
Database Read-only
Document Read-only
Unappended Read/write 64
Appended to Index Read-only
Appended to QueryDef Read-only
Appended to Recordset Read-only
Appended to TableDef (native) Read/write 64
Appended to TableDef (linked) Read-only
Appended to Relation Read-only
Unappended Read/write 20
Appended Read-only
Unappended Read/write 64
Appended Read-only
Parameter Read-only
Unappended Read/write 64
Appended Read-only
Built-in Read-only
Unappended Read/write 64
Temporary Read-only
Appended Read/write 64
Recordset Read-only
Unappended Read/write 64
Appended Read-only
TableDef Read/write 64
Unappended Read/write 20
Appended Read-only
Unappended Read/write 20
Appended Read-only