HPC Explorer with PICtail for SD and MMC

Microchip MDD File System Interface

MDDFS Interface Library Help
HPC Explorer with PICtail for SD and MMC

Visit the Microchip web site to view the HPC Explorer Product Page and User's Guide, and the PICtail Board for SD and MMC

The HPC Explorer board can be expanded for SD card support using the PICtailTM Board for SD and MMC. The daughterboard should be inserted into the PICtail connector. 

The development board is now ready to use.

Project Setup

A few configuration settings are required to ensure that the MDDFS Interface Library will run on your hardware:

  1. Start with an appropriate MPLAB IDE project: MDD File System-SD Card\MDDFS-SD-PIC18.mcp
  2. Change the MPLAB IDE processor target selection to match the part installed on the HPC Explorer Board (e.x. PIC18F8722).

Because of the level translator on the PICtailTM board for SD and MMC, some versions of the HPC Explorer may experience communication errors between the microcontroller and SD card. This disruption is not limited to a specific range of clock frequencies. To improve the chances of a successful communication, some options are:

  1. Change the SPI module speed so the communication will proceed more slowly.
  2. Cut the traces that correspond to the SPI pins near the PICtail connector. Bridge the trace cuts with 100-400 Ohm terminating resistors. Note that this solution will cause damage to the HPC Explorer board.
Microchip MDD File System Interface 1.2.0 - [Aug 18, 2008]
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